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Messages - Daan van Rooijen

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No!  'Load file using' has nothing in it.
Alright, my filetype definition for the jpg extension looks like this:


Equivalent to type: (none)
Class: Raster

Load file using: Internal >>  (empty)
Edit file Using: Association >> (empty)
Print file using: Internal >>  (empty)

Not associated with ThumbsPlus
No linked extensions.


I believe these were the default settings, and they work fine here, on Win 11 Pro.

BTW, where is the last Pro version to download?

It's not a separate download. The 'Pro' features are unlocked when you enter a pro level license number.

That's strange. If you have the Pro version, have you tried re-entering your license details? (Help | Enter Registration in the menu).

Are you sure that the files are actually JPG files and not some misnamed other type?

When you right-click on a JPG file and choose 'Configure File Type', does the 'Load file using' setting say 'Internal'?

Have you changed anything about ThumbsPlus or Windows in recent days? Like, installed a plug-in, changed user accounts, re-installed ThumbsPlus..?

I just realised that those old newsgroup messages must have been written with the old .TD4 database format in mind. Hopefully you can 'translate' the field names to those used by TP8 and higher.

Hi Ernst,

I don't know about those date searches. Maybe we can look into that later.

As for gallery searches: If you don't like SQL, a possible workaround is that you simply assign a unique keyword to all the files in that gallery, and then do a regular search for that keyword, plus your additional search criteria.

If you prefer an SQL method, I will copy 2 very old but relevant messages below from the old Cerious Newsgroups. They come without their original context (otherwise I'd have to copy and paste whole threads), but the information contained in them could still be helpful, I think.



=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[ 1 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
From: "Jose G. Filippa" <>
Subject: Re: Thumbsplus 7.0 problem with gallery search
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 10:14:46 -0300

Hi Chris,

In order to find those thumbnails which are included in at least one gallery
or sub-gallery but are not included in a specific gallery you should use the
following SQL statement:

tn.idThumb in (select gt.idThumb from GalleryThumb as gt) and tn.idThumb not
in (select GalleryThumb.idThumb from GalleryThumb inner join Gallery on
GalleryThumb.idGallery=Gallery.idGallery where like 'UF\%')

Now for a set of galleries and sub-galleries you should use:

tn.idThumb in (select gt.idThumb from GalleryThumb as gt) and tn.idThumb not
in (select GalleryThumb.idThumb from GalleryThumb inner join Gallery on
GalleryThumb.idGallery=Gallery.idGallery where in

(Note that you can not use wildcards when using the "in" operator.)

Or if you really need to use wildcards:

tn.idThumb in (select gt.idThumb from GalleryThumb as gt) and tn.idThumb not
in (select GalleryThumb.idThumb from GalleryThumb inner join Gallery on
GalleryThumb.idGallery=Gallery.idGallery where  ( like 'UF\%' or like 'Temp%'))

By the way, your query (the one that hung your ThumbsPlus) worked OK in
ThumbsPlus in my system. I will continue investigating about this issue.

Best regards,

José G. Filippa
Cerious Software

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[ 2 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
From: Uwe Zimmermann <uwezi@/no_mail/>
Subject: Re: Search Gallery
Date: Mon, 01 Nov 2004 12:56:16 +0100

Until galleries finally work like normal directories, you should be
able to use the additional SQL query:

this is for one specific gallery "galleryname"
exists (select idThumb from gallerythumb gt inner join gallery
ga on gt.idGallery = ga.idGallery where = 'galleryname' and
gt.idThumb = tn.idThumb)

this is for images in any gallery
exists (select idThumb from gallerythumb gt where
gt.idThumb = tn.idThumb)


The help file suggests that ThumbsPlus will show the Windows folder icon ("Display folders -- Include folders in the thumbnail display. With this option checked, ThumbsPlus will also make thumbnails for folders, based on the current Windows thumbnail").

So, if you can get Win 11 to show those XP-style thumbnails, hopefully TP will adopt those too.

It has been cataloged in the 'Way Back Machine', see:

This particular page shows the last capture from sometime in 2017, but there have been many earlier captures as well.

Thanks Bernard! It's interesting that no conversion is required for the taken_time_iso field!

Most dates and times in the database are stored in unix format, i.e. seconds that have passed since jan 1, 1970. You can use the Udate command to convert them into the less cryptic ISO format that Windows uses. This is a sample query that queries the regular file date:

    tn.file_time = ^udate(yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss)

For a range of times/dates, you'd combine two expressions using the AND operator, like this:

    (tn.file_time >= ^udate(2022-02-10))
    AND (tn.file_time < ^udate(2022-02-11))

Hopefully these examples will also work when you use the  tn.[taken_time_iso] field instead.

I did exactly what you said, but the resulting database was somehow corrupted.

I'm very sorry to hear that - and surprised! Did you see any error messages? The Compact & Repair function that ThumbsPlus uses is actually part of the Windows operating system, and one of its main purposes is to prevent corruption, not cause it. I hope you've been able to restore a backup.

When you delete information from a database, the database file itself does not shrink because the information is not physically removed from the database. It is only flagged internally as deleted. This is because database files can get very large, and re-writing them everytime that a record is deleted would make them too slow.

So, to physically cleanse the database file of deleted records, you use a special function that you find in the menu as Database | Compact & Repair.

Before you use this function, you may want to do two other things first:

1) Remove thumbnails that you no longer need. You can do so by in several ways. For instance, you can select them and press Shift-Del. Or you can right-click on a folder name (in the tree) and use Remove from Tree, to remove all thumbnails pertaining to that folder and its subfolders (be very careful that you do not accidentily use just Del or Delete Folder because that would delete the actual image files from your harddrive!)

2) Remove 'orphaned' thumbnails. A thumbnail record is orphaned when the file that it describes no longer exists. To remove orphans, use Thumbnail | Remove | Orphans from the menu.

When you have done these things, you can use the Compact & Repair function that I mentioned earlier to re-gain a lot of space.

I'm just curious if anyone else has tried contacting them, and whether there was any response.
That's strange about the bug system response. Maybe you should just try again? I haven't talked to them recently either, but I'm also not seeing any complaints from people who have problems getting support or a key. Anyway, if you need HEIC support now, I'm not sure if you should keep waiting, seeing how long we already have been waiting.

Have you written to ?

I don't think I've heard of this problem before, but I'd recommend that you try these two small freeware tools that deal with Explorer context menus and shell extensions:

Hopefully one of those will let you reenable TP's context menu entries!

I just realized, you're also on the Ritlabs forum, aren't you?

Haha, yes I am!

Hopefully someone still looks in this subforum.

I do, but I'm afraid I don't have any suggestions!

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