Author Topic: I get an error about a missing component (DLL), MSVCP110.DLL or MSVCR110.DLL  (Read 7887 times)

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Laura Shook

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To fix this issue: reinstall the Microsoft VS2012 Update 4 redistributables.

You may download directly from the ThumbsPlus web site:

Or you may download from Microsoft here:
(click Download, check the box next to VSU_4\vcredist_x86.exe, then click Next).

Once the download is complete, just run vcredist_x86.exe to install the components and ThumbsPlus should run normally.

Background information:

During ThumbsPlus installation, we run vcredist_x86.exe to distribute the Visual C++ components. Under some conditions, Windows does not install them correctly when embedded in another installer. Additionally, the uninstall of other programs sometimes improperly removes them. From whatever cause, downloading and installing the redistributables should take care of the problem.