Author Topic: Can't get video to work  (Read 16694 times)

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Jens Rieger

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Can't get video to work
« on: 2019-02-10 13:25:22 »
I bought a new computer so I had to reinstall Windows 10 and all programs including ThumbsPlus 10 Prof.. I also installed the K-Lite Code Pack as usual. But when I play a video I can only hear the sound. What could be the problem?

Daan van Rooijen

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Re: Can't get video to work
« Reply #1 on: 2019-02-10 18:47:08 »
I bought a new computer so I had to reinstall Windows 10 and all programs including ThumbsPlus 10 Prof.. I also installed the K-Lite Code Pack as usual. But when I play a video I can only hear the sound. What could be the problem?

This type of problem can be quite complicated..  8)

ThumbsPlus uses Windows' 'Directshow' system to play videos. The Directshow system splits a video into a video stream and an audio stream, and it assigns a decoder (also called codec) to each stream. These codecs decode the video and audio streams and send the output to a player (like Mediaplayer or ThumbsPlus' player), which plays them to the screen and to the soundcard.

In this case, it looks like the video stream has been assigned to the wrong codec, or to a non-functional codec, and as a result you don't get proper video.

If you have installed K-Lite, I think your system uses FFDSHOW to configure how codecs are used (a shortcut to FFDSHOW may be in your Windows start menu). If so, you could first use a utility like G-Spot ( to find out how this video had been encoded, and then use the configuration tools from FFDSHOW* to configure which codec will decode that type of video. Encoding methods are identified by a four-character code named FOURCC (for more info see

(*: I think those tools are named VFW Configuration and Video Decoder configuration, but that information may be outdated.)

Personally, I've stopped messing with codecs and I use the VLC Mediaplayer almost exclusively. It has all the major codecs built-in, so it doesn't depend on Windows and third-party codecs.  In Windows, I have associated most video filetypes (avi, mp4, mpg, etc.) to VLC, and in ThumbsPlus, I simply press Shift-Enter to launch a video in VLC (pressing Enter would open it in TP's own player, but Shift-Enter will open it in the program that is associated to it in Windows). I've also made VLC an external program button in the toolbar, so I can also launch it with a mouse click.
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Jens Rieger

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Re: Can't get video to work
« Reply #2 on: 2019-02-12 13:27:00 »
Thanks Daan for your answer. I only use VLC now. I think this is the best way at the moment.


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Re: Can't get video to work
« Reply #3 on: 2019-08-22 14:33:23 »
I'm having the same problem. Not great when it can't be fixed. I'm using Lightroom now. Not ideal for video but already now use it for photos. I've been a Thumbs user for a long time and its a shame this can't be fixed.

Daan van Rooijen

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Re: Can't get video to work
« Reply #4 on: 2019-08-22 15:35:58 »
I'm having the same problem. Not great when it can't be fixed.
Who says that it can't be fixed?  As explained above, you must (get your system to) use the right codec for the encoding formats that your videos use. Finding and setting up the right codecs can be quite a puzzle.
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Laura Shook

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Re: Can't get video to work
« Reply #5 on: 2019-08-23 14:28:10 »
The problem you are having is most likely the result of old, bad, incompatible or incorrect codec(s) on your system. There are a wide variety of codecs that are available everywhere. We can't control what user has what codec etc.. there are simply TOO many.

1. The following information has helped many ThumbsPlus users and it is not a difficult process at all. With the correct codecs on the system ThumbsPlus v10 works very well!  It does not matter what version of Windows you are on or whether or not these files play in other movie players. (Please note that installing the codecs I suggest will not cause other movie players any trouble.)

I have never had anyone not be helped by the following information, in fact, here are some replies still sitting in my inbox as I haven't had time to close them yet:

K-Lite Codec Mega Pack
.... everything is ok again!! Playing, making a thumbnail, no problem.

.....Thanks.  That got my MP4 files working again.

.....Thanks very much. It worked perfectly and your video player is very smooth on my machine.

The solution:

ThumbsPlus is designed to work with animation files with the default codecs that are installed on your system. Codecs can be overwritten by other applications or become corrupted. Please try installing these specific codecs:

I have had great success in the past with K-Lite Codec Mega Pack as it installs some alternate movie codecs that may help.

I have many customers who have used this codec pack and I have never had a complaint about its use. It is free and you can download it here:

2. If you don't want to install the codecs that WILL work with the ThumbsPlus v10 Movie Player (and won't cause issues with other players), you have several other options.

*Right click the thumbnail box and go to "Edit" to open the movie in the associated movie player on your computer.

*Right click a thumbnail box of a movie format and go to "configure type". Change file loading to "None" and then when double clicking a thumbnail the movie will open in the associated player on your computer.

*You can put a toolbar icon for any movie player (any program in fact) on the ThumbsPlus toolbar.  If you have several players you like, you can put icons on the toolbar for all of them.

I have attached 3 images to a new subject in the ThumbsPlus v10 FAQ forum:
My movies won't play - or are playing with the incorrect orientation

*Configuring ThumbsPlus to play movies in another movie player
*Putting toolbar icons for other movie players on the ThumbsPlus toolbar
*Configuring new movie file types like .mts files

If you need further assistance please e-mail

Kind regards,

Laura Shook

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Re: Can't get video to work
« Reply #6 on: 2019-08-23 14:50:08 »
I noticed that someone reported in this thread that the codec pack suggested did not fix a problem with playing movies in ThumbsPlus.

I have never been informed by anyone that this didn't fix any problem with playing movies. If this is happening with only one format, I wonder if the file type configuration isn't set up correctly.

I have attached an image that illustrates the configuration for mpg, mp4, mov and avi files.

Please also note that ThumbsPlus v11 will have a brand new movie player better suited for 2019!

Kind regards,


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Re: Can't get video to work
« Reply #7 on: 2020-07-08 11:26:33 »
I have just installed a new graphics card, a Nvidia Geforce GT 710 and have exactly the same problem with videos being blank but after some research it appears that it is indeed Thumbsplus that is the problem and has nothing to do with codecs.

It is because legacy overlays are not supported when attempting to render the video.

I have been using Thumbsplus for years and despite not being able use my scanner, a CanoScan5600F within the program, I have stuck with it but now I am unable to view my video files there really doesn't seem much point. Of course I could use an external program to view the videos but that is hardly a very satisfactory solution.

Jens Rieger

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Re: Can't get video to work
« Reply #8 on: 2020-07-08 12:20:45 »
since I couldn't solve this problem (the codecs are always up to date), I started to use the VLC player.
The thing was that I clicked on a video, a black window poped up with no video but the sound. When I clicked the video once again while the black window was still running the sound, the video plays correctly in the second window.



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Re: Can't get video to work
« Reply #9 on: 2020-07-08 14:46:50 »
That sounds like a workaround Jens, I think the plan would be to open ThumbsPlus,  open then pause any video which will have a black window, leave it open, then view videos as required which will play perfectly.


Daan van Rooijen

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Re: Can't get video to work
« Reply #10 on: 2020-07-08 15:21:40 »
Have you tried playing those videos in Windows Mediaplayer?  ThumbsPlus doesn't really play videos, it just tells Windows to do so (using the DirectShow functionality of Windows).

If your Windows system cannot play those files (except through 3d party players like VLC), have you tried..:

- to Identify the FourCC of a video that does not play correctly
- to Check which codec is handling that FourCC on your system?

Useful tools: G-Spot and Codec Tweak Tool.

On my antique system, I can use the FFDShow 'Video Decoder configuration' utility to assign FourCCs to the LibAVCodec decoder which always seems to work fine. Apparently newer systems that have the K-Lite codec pack installed use the 'LAV Video decoder' (still based on libavcodec) which may have a separate configuration tool - I don't know.

Side note: if you happen to have the Haali Media Splitter installed on your system, you may have to remove that and re-install the LAV filters or the K-Lite pack to get them to work correctly.
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Re: Can't get video to work
« Reply #11 on: 2020-07-08 15:39:39 »
Yes all videos play perfectly in Windows Media Player, I have always managed to play every kind of format in ThumbsPlus without any problems until I changed the Graphics card.

All videos play perfectly in Thumbsplus once you have opened one that will just have a black screen, paused it then open another.

I do have and always have had K-Lite codecs on my system.

Jens Rieger

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Re: Can't get video to work
« Reply #12 on: 2020-09-06 12:06:51 »
It works again! I made a fresh install of Windows 10 2004. Installed every program I need and somehow I can play the videos as usual by doubleclicking on it. Why it works again? I have no idea!


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Re: Can't get video to work
« Reply #13 on: 2021-01-14 16:16:41 »
Further to my previous posts regarding media files not playing in Thumbsplus,

I have added a 4k Monitor to my computer system and now any video will play in the Thumbsplus,

I have not made any changes to any settings apart from obviously, the resolution to 3840 x 2160.

Anyway it works.