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ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / TO JOIN THIS FORUM READ HERE
« Last post by Daan van Rooijen on 2024-04-01 11:56:50 »
NOTE: Due to excessive abuse of the forum by robotized spammers, I have had to suspend the registration of new members.

If you are a legitimate user of Cerious Software products and wish to post in the forum, please send me a note at info (at) copycats (dot) nl and I will register you manually. Please put "CERIOUS FORUM REG" in the subject line and mention your desired username. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

Regards -Daan- (volunteering as moderator)
« Last post by Daan van Rooijen on 2024-04-01 11:55:28 »
NOTE: Due to excessive abuse of the forum by robotized spammers, I have had to suspend the registration of new members.

If you are a legitimate user of Cerious Software products and wish to post in the forum, please send me a note at info (at) copycats (dot) nl and I will register you manually. Please put "CERIOUS FORUM REG" in the subject line and mention your desired username. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

Regards -Daan- (volunteering as moderator)

General Discussion / Re: Is ThumbsPlus still in business?
« Last post by Jens Rieger on 2024-03-09 05:34:14 »
You can press F3 to open multiple windows. But the pictures open in the internal Windows Picture Viewer.
General Discussion / Re: Is ThumbsPlus still in business?
« Last post by Gary on 2024-02-19 09:48:20 »
I googled this until my fingers bled, but I could not find anything really close to what you need.  TP10 was designed with windows within the main window (as best I can tell) which allows the multiple images?  The closest I could find is IrfanView but you have to play games with the setup and windows tiling, but it still is not what you are looking for.  Hopefully someone else has the answer.

General Discussion / Re: Is ThumbsPlus still in business?
« Last post by aslaksen on 2024-02-18 04:09:52 »
I am looking for alternatives to TP. I looked at both XNView and FastStone. However, one important feature of TP that I need is to be able to view multiple images at the same time in separate windows. XNV seemed to open images in separate tabs, while FS wanted to open everything in full screen. Is there any way to get separate windows with these programs? Or do you have suggestions for other programs that will let me do this?
General Discussion / Re: Is ThumbsPlus still in business?
« Last post by Gary on 2024-02-17 00:02:07 »
Another thing I really like about XnViewMP is the ability to customize the GUI.  I also like that is handles video files.
Interesting. I just clicked on Philip's profile out of curiosity, and it says he was last active 2023-11-22. That's much more recent than I expected given the lack of news, activity and emails.
General Discussion / Re: Is ThumbsPlus still in business?
« Last post by Warner_Young on 2024-02-16 12:38:45 »
I also tried digiKam. I like the UI better, but there's no automatic file tree. You have to add what's called a Collection, where each Collection is a folder and its subfolders. I think it's a tossup whether it or XnViewMP is better. I like some parts of each more than the other. XnViewMP is definitely faster when loading images, though.
General Discussion / Re: Is ThumbsPlus still in business?
« Last post by Daan van Rooijen on 2024-02-15 15:50:04 »
FastStone Image Viewer is not a database, but it's a popular and free image browser/viewer/editor/converter. It supports all the common bitmap formats and raw formats, plus HEIC and WEBP (through codecs in Win10/11). Website:
General Discussion / Re: Is ThumbsPlus still in business?
« Last post by Gary on 2024-02-15 15:23:12 »
The closest I've found is XNView MP ( ).

The app is free for non commercial use and development continues.  I have used it on both Windows 10/11 and Fedora Linux (the program is faster on Linux!)
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