Author Topic: tp5 and migrating the td4 to another OS  (Read 11144 times)

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tp5 and migrating the td4 to another OS
« on: 2017-10-04 01:06:35 »
so i've been using my XP as my default computer for tp5 - (there are certain reasons i do this)

anyway, so i copied my source folder and td4 to a windows7computer. i had a problem - i wasn't seeing my newest images and the galleries were not the same - all old and unchanged.

so i had to redirect the startup path. one my XP it's "program files\ paint shop pro\images". now on the windows7 computer, to get this right i had to redirect the path to "program files86\paint shop pro\images" and frankly i am bothered by this necessity.

so while all is right at startup, my updated td4 is sill not registering in windows7, ie all old galleries and old data, even though i replaced the td4 in tp5 in the windows7 computer.

i am totally befuddled. how or where does my td4 file get recognized in windows7? it's not happening in program files86\thumbs5!!


Daan van Rooijen

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tp5 and migrating the td4 to another OS
« Reply #1 on: 2017-10-04 02:08:26 »
Three important points:

1) TP5 requires read/write access to its program folder. On Windows 7 (actually, Vista and up) programs cannot write to anything in Program Files. So, install TP5 in a folder of its own, for instance C:\TP5, D:\OLDPROGS\THUMBS5 or whatever you prefer but not in Program Files.

2) The location of the database (.td4 - don't change its extension) doesn't matter. I'd just keep it in the same folder as ThumbsPlus itself, e.g. C:\TP5. Through Options | Preferences | Startup you can tell TP5 to load that database everytime it launches.

3) Now for the source of your problem: ThumbsPlus needs to match its database records (that hold the thumbnail image, filename, keywords and other information) to the corresponding image files. In a regular configuration like yours with local (non-networked) drives, it does so by the location of the files, defined as:

 Drive Volume Label | Folder(s) | Filename

So, when you copy your old database and your images to the new computer, you must make sure that the images find themselves in the same location as they did on the old computer. The volume label of their drive must be the same (but the drive letter doesn't matter) and their folder structure and filenames must remain unchanged.

You write that you had your images in "C:\program files\paint shop pro\images" on the old computer. You did not mention the volume label of that drive. On the new computer, you have those images in "C:\program files86\paint shop pro\images".

So, what you can do on the new computer is the following:

    [*]Exit ThumbsPlus if it is running.
    [*]Launch Explorer (My Computer) and give the C: drive the exact same volume label that the C: drive in the old computer had.
    [*]Still using Explorer, create a folder named "C:\program files\paint shop pro\images" just like you used to have on the old computer.
    [*]Still using Explorer, move your images from C:\program files86\paint shop pro\images to C:\program files\paint shop pro\images.
    [*]Now launch TP (and make sure it's using the database that you copied from the old PC) and verify that TP is now recognizing your images again and that the galleries, keywords, et cetera are intact.
    [*]If that works as expected, you can now use TP to move the images back to their previous location (C:\program files86\paint shop pro\images) or to any other destination that you prefer. You can also use TP to change the volume label of drive C: if you wish. The important thing is that you use TP to make these changes, so that it can update the thumbnail records in its database and won't lose track of the images again.[/list]

    I hope this helps.
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    ok. so let's see if i have this straight
    « Reply #2 on: 2017-10-04 04:04:10 »
    i duplicate EXACTLY the path to my source folder,,,NOT "program filesx86", but the same path as in my XP

    i install tp5 in a different path than x86,,,, preferably something like c\thumbs5(doesn't really matter)

    copy everything to the new structure. in other words, disregard the window7 default and just recreate my XP structure.

    after that work in tp5 as usual..

    right now, the windows7 computer is my backup and i will rely on my XP until it goes kaplooey. i will test it though to make sure i can manipulate in 7 as i do in XP

    okay? :)
    btw,,,is this procedure done in all future versions of windows, if it comes to that....even if i upgrade to a newer tp?

    Daan van Rooijen

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    ok. so let's see if i have this straight
    « Reply #3 on: 2017-10-04 05:48:33 »
    > i duplicate EXACTLY the path to my source folder,,,NOT "program filesx86", but the same path as in my XP

    For your image folders, yes, that's what you do.

    And don't forget about the disk volume label. It must be made identical to that of C: in the old PC (using Explorer or another file manager - don't run TP until the image folders and volume label are in place).

    > i install tp5 in a different path than x86,,,, preferably something like c\thumbs5(doesn't really matter)

    Correct. And then copy your 'old' (current) database there.

    > copy everything to the new structure. in other words, disregard the window7 default and just recreate my XP structure.

    Yes. Just copy your images to the exact same folder structure, set the volume label, install TP5 in a folder of its own and copy the database there too. Then launch TP and it should work -- that is, it should show your thumbnails (without creating them anew), galleries and any keywords and annotations that you may have in your database.

    > okay? :)

    Yes, except with the caveat that TP5 is older than Santaclaus' beard and wasn't designed for (or tested with) Windows versions newer than XP :-) I'd expect it to work on Windows 7, but if it doesn't, you could try to run it in XP compatibility mode (you can set this using the properties of the shortcut/icon that launches TP).

    > btw,,,is this procedure done in all future versions of windows, if it comes to that....even if i upgrade to a newer tp?

    Yes. TP versions up to 7sp2 use the .td4 database format. TP8 and higher use a new database format, which would add a database conversion step.  But the main point is that if you want to continue to use your trusty old database, you should keep the drive volume labels and image folders consistent moving from one PC (or Windows installation) to the next. Once you've got it working on the new system, you can use TP itself to change the volume label or folder structure to something that may be more suitable or convenient on the new system.

    Oh PS: Always keep a backup of your database! :-)
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    btw, re: volume labeling
    « Reply #4 on: 2017-10-04 17:20:42 »
    do i have to actually change the volume label on the W7  C drive or do i create a "fake" volume label.  

    ie,,,,W7 looks like this MAIN C (C:),,,XP looks like this DRIVE_C (C:). do i actually have to change MAIN C (C:)  to  DRIVE_C (C),,,

    or can i fake it and do this in W7.....

    MAIN C (C:)
    ....DRIVE_C (C:)
    ........Program Files
    ............Paint Shop Pro 5

    Daan van Rooijen

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    btw, re: volume labeling
    « Reply #5 on: 2017-10-04 19:46:53 »
    You have to change the "MAIN C" volume label into "DRIVE_C" in the Properties of your C: drive. It cannot be faked, a volume label is not a folder.

    You must do this in Explorer, not in ThumbsPlus.

    Once you have done this (and the image files are also in place at their 'old' location), you can open ThumbsPlus. Check if it is using the correct (old) database. You may want to turn Options | Preferences | Thumbnails | "Make thumbnails automatically" Off (to prevent that it creates any new thumbnails). Then lookup your images and galleries to see if everything is working like on the old PC.
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    done,,,thx, but interestingly
    « Reply #6 on: 2017-10-05 04:27:33 »
    i'm backed up on my wife's W7. her computer has zero problems and her machine has tp/psp installed the way mine WAS with all it's problems.  any guess why?

    thx btw,,,i can't live without this forum . you are indispensble

    Daan van Rooijen

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    done,,,thx, but interestingly
    « Reply #7 on: 2017-10-05 06:45:10 »
    > i'm backed up on my wife's W7. her computer has zero problems and her machine has tp/psp installed the way mine WAS with all it's problems.  any guess why?

    Thx for the kind words. Not sure if I understand you here.. What problems do you mean specifically?
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    done,,,thx, but interestingly
    « Reply #8 on: 2017-10-05 14:02:25 »
    the problems with the td4 and what we've been discussing in regards to migrating over to W7 have not been an issue with my wife's W7

    Daan van Rooijen

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    done,,,thx, but interestingly
    « Reply #9 on: 2017-10-05 15:10:02 »
    > the problems with the td4 and what we've been discussing in regards to migrating over to W7 have not been an issue with my wife's W7

    So, I understand that you've got it working correctly on her PC, but I'm still not sure what the question is. Are you unable to get it to work on your own Windows7 PC (if so, did you follow the instructions and what exactly isn't working?) or are you surprised that it works on hers (why?).
    I'm volunteering as a moderator - I do not work for Cerious Software, Inc.