Author Topic: TP9 3928: Can't thumbnail multiple video files  (Read 6013 times)

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Daan van Rooijen

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TP9 3928: Can't thumbnail multiple video files
« on: 2013-07-27 17:21:35 »
System: XP Pro sp3, TP9 build 3928

I have several video filetypes (flv, mp4, webm) defined as equivalent to MPG, which in turn is loaded using Internal (i.e. through directshow, which on my system uses [link=]FFDSHOW Tryouts[/link] to decode them). I can thumbnail them just fine on a one-by-one basis and the viewer shows them correctly too.

However, when I select multiple video files and press F3, ThumbsPlus doesn't thumbnail them but instead assigns a generic icon to them (of the videoplayer that these filetypes are associated with in Windows). The same thing happens when I use Thumbnail | Scan Folder or Scan Tree from the menu.
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TP9 3928: Can't thumbnail multiple video files
« Reply #1 on: 2013-07-28 12:32:10 »

System:  Win7 64-bit, TP9.3928, FFDSHOW (through K-Lite Codecs)

On my system, all of the issues you define work as expected.  I can select multiple video files (with different extensions), press F3 and the thumbnails are created.  Thumbnails are created by scan folder/scan tree.

However, there is an odd behavior.  I have Options|File Loading|Movie/Sound|Thumbnail options|Percentage of file length checked and set to 25%.  If I select multiple and press F3 or scan folder or scan tree, the generated thumbnail seems to ignore this setting.  If I select an individual video and press F3, a different thumbnail is generated from what the scan generated and it appears to observe this option setting.

Daan van Rooijen

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TP9 3928: Can't thumbnail multiple video files
« Reply #2 on: 2013-07-28 14:05:39 »
> However, there is an odd behavior.  I have Options|File Loading|Movie/Sound|Thumbnail options|Percentage of file length checked and set to 25%.  If I select multiple and press F3 or scan folder or scan tree, the generated thumbnail seems to ignore this setting.  If I select an individual video and press F3, a different thumbnail is generated from what the scan generated and it appears to observe this option setting.

That's interesting! So, for you the regular thumbnailing commands produce thumbnails from the wrong part of the movie files, and I get generic icons instead of thumbnails.

My "Percentage of file length" setting was at 76%, but changing it to your value of 25% didn't make a difference.

The way that I make thumbnails for multiple movie files is by selecting them and then pressing INS to tag them. When a non-thumbnailed file is tagged, ThumbsPlus makes a thumbnail for it before adding the tag. So, that is the workaround that I use.. the thumbnails that I get are the same as when I press F3 on a separate file, and the "Percentage of file length" option seems to work correctly.
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TP9 3928: Can't thumbnail multiple video files
« Reply #3 on: 2013-07-28 15:00:08 »
Very interesting.  I will try the INS trick.  It is a shame that we have to find "tricks" and "workarounds" to make things "work" in TP9.

Laura Shook

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TP9 3928: Can't thumbnail multiple video files
« Reply #4 on: 2013-08-01 15:44:52 »
I will test and report it so we can hopefully address this problem and get it fixed.

Thank you,

Laura Shook
Cerious Software, Inc.


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TP9 3928: Can't thumbnail multiple video files
« Reply #5 on: 2013-10-09 07:19:24 »
Hello Laura,
any news on this issue?


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TP9 3928: Can't thumbnail multiple video files
« Reply #6 on: 2013-10-10 03:50:46 »
Have to admit I have seen the problem then I just assumed it was yet another TP9 feature.... I found that on the first pass of the files some thumbs are created, if you then leave the selection alone and try making again, more are done, third pass usually manages to sort it out.
What was very odd though was that if you install TP8 with no additions and make thumbs then they all work but under TP9 you see the behaviour.
I have also noted that importing from TP8 to 9 if you re-scan it kills the thumbs you had for a lot of video files (back to logo) plus of course, accidentally open a video and the whole of TP crashes regardless of the format.


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TP9 3928: Can't thumbnail multiple video files
« Reply #7 on: 2014-12-06 22:05:18 »
I see Laura still hasn't answered. I can confirm that 500 days later this is still unresolved.

Like you I had to install ffdshow trial through k-lite codec, but I also had to install an flv splitter (flv which allowed the flv to play inside thumbsplus internal player and then set flv type in theumbsplus equivalent to mpg.

I can reproduce the issue exactly the same way. thumbnail a single flv file works perfectly. Also clicking the thumbnail button from inside the video to make a particular frame the thumbnail works. If I make thumbnails using scan tree which is the usual most convenient method, I get generic icons instead.

The insert workaround you found works alright.

I should mention I had previously gotten this to work through some thumbsplus option but I can't remember which now. when I reinstalled windows all my thumbsplus options got reset. I'm assuming because it stored them on the registry instead of an ini file or in the database itself which really sucks when you have to format your machine every couple of years.

I hope they fix it because as I see it, one of 5 things acdeesee has over thumbsplus in terms of features:
1. higher speed since it's a 64 bit application

2. Better handling of videos in that it is a designed feature as opposed TP which is primarily concerned with stills.

3. Better keyword organization, searching, and flexibility

4. Nice way to rate all files and then access them by rating

5. Modern interface look/feel

Having said that, I still prefer TP overall on technical ability and how it scales to handle larger collections.


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TP9 3928: Can't thumbnail multiple video files
« Reply #8 on: 2014-12-06 22:26:10 »
Haha I spoke to soon.

I remembered thumbsplus help said it uses directshow (activemoview) to play flv files. So basically if windows can't thumbnail flvs, thumbsplus won't either.

I have the latest k-lite codec pack installed (largest mega package). there is a utility called (codec tweak tool) that comes with it (K-Lite Codec Pack\Tools\CodecTweakTool.exe). it is under k-lite start menu group.

1. start codec tweak tool
2. under (miscellaneous) section click the (thumbnails) button.
3. click (select all)
4. click apply and close

problem solved :)