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Messages - Daan van Rooijen

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 64
For ftp ( you need an ftp client or a browser that's capable of browsing ftp servers. The popular Total Commander file manager has an ftp client built-in, too.

As for the forum, maybe you can use a website copier like Cyotek Webcopy to create a full local copy of If that doesn't work, maybe print the most interesting topics to PDF files (simply using your browser's Print function) or take screenshots. My Firefox browser allows me to save even long multi-page topics to .PNG files.

General Discussion / Re: Bad news about Phillip
« on: 2024-06-01 03:18:58 »
I think we must assume that this means the end of Cerious Software. If I hear anything to the contrary, I'll let everyone know. I do not know how much longer the website, the forum and the ftp server will stay up. If there's anything that you'd like to download for future use or reference, I'd recommend that you do so soon.

Announcements / Re: Bad news about Phillip
« on: 2024-06-01 03:18:20 »
I think we must assume that this means the end of Cerious Software. If I hear anything to the contrary, I'll let everyone know. I do not know how much longer the website, the forum and the ftp server will stay up. If there's anything that you'd like to download for future use or reference, I'd recommend that you do so soon.

Announcements / Re: Bad news about Phillip
« on: 2024-06-01 03:17:24 »
I'm very sorry to inform you that Phillip Crews has passed away on May 22nd.  May he rest in peace.

General Discussion / Re: Bad news about Phillip
« on: 2024-06-01 03:16:23 »
I'm very sorry to inform you that Phillip Crews has passed away on May 22nd.  May he rest in peace.

General Discussion / Re: Is ThumbsPlus still in business?
« on: 2024-05-16 20:55:51 »
Please see my post Bad news about Phillip for more information about what's going on at Cerious Software.


General Discussion / Bad news about Phillip
« on: 2024-05-16 20:51:20 »
I just learned that the man who gave the world ThumbsPlus, Phillip Crews, is very ill  :'(

Phillip, Cerious Software's founder and 'code poet', is being treated for metastatic cancer. He is too weak and sick to work. I'm afraid this means that there's currently no-one at Cerious to fulfill orders or answer technical support queries.

His daughter Leah has set up a fundraiser to help the family cover healthcare expenses. She explains more about Phillip's situation on the fundraiser page:

I would encourage anyone who has enjoyed working with ThumbsPlus, or benefited professionally from doing so, to maybe donate a few bucks if you can afford to.

Let's all hope for the best for Phillip!


Announcements / Bad news about Phillip
« on: 2024-05-16 20:50:29 »
I just learned that the man who gave the world ThumbsPlus, Phillip Crews, is very ill  :'(

Phillip, Cerious Software's founder and chief developer a.k.a. code poet, is being treated for metastatic cancer. He is too weak and sick to work. I'm afraid this means that there's currently no-one at Cerious to fulfill orders or answer technical support queries.

His daughter Leah has set up a fundraiser to help the family cover healthcare expenses. She explains more about Phillip's situation on the fundraiser page:

I would encourage anyone who has enjoyed working with ThumbsPlus, or benefited professionally from doing so, to maybe donate a few bucks if you can afford to.

Let's all hope for the best for Phillip!


ps: I'm posting this in the Announcements section, but I'll also post a copy in the General Discussions section where forum users can respond.

No, I don't think that can be done with ThumbsPlus.

Apparently XnView can do this (see here), so, maybe have a look at that.

ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / Re: Adding Metadata to image
« on: 2024-04-04 15:37:01 »
I see! For what you want, open an image in the viewer/editor, go to 'Image | Stamp' in the menu to open the Stamp dialog. There, to the right of the Text field, click on the '>>' button. Now you can select metadata to stamp onto the image.

To do it in a batch process, go back to the main program and use the batch processing dialog as usual.

ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / Re: Adding Metadata to image
« on: 2024-04-04 13:30:29 »
I'm looking for a way to embbed (visible) some metadata content onto selected Images.

See "Image | Batch Edit Metadata" in the main menu. This works with JPG, TIFF and PNG images.

ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / TO JOIN THIS FORUM READ HERE
« on: 2024-04-01 11:56:50 »
NOTE: Due to excessive abuse of the forum by robotized spammers, I have had to suspend the registration of new members.

If you are a legitimate user of Cerious Software products and wish to post in the forum, please send me a note at info (at) copycats (dot) nl and I will register you manually. Please put "CERIOUS FORUM REG" in the subject line and mention your desired username. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

Regards -Daan- (volunteering as moderator)

« on: 2024-04-01 11:55:28 »
NOTE: Due to excessive abuse of the forum by robotized spammers, I have had to suspend the registration of new members.

If you are a legitimate user of Cerious Software products and wish to post in the forum, please send me a note at info (at) copycats (dot) nl and I will register you manually. Please put "CERIOUS FORUM REG" in the subject line and mention your desired username. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

Regards -Daan- (volunteering as moderator)


General Discussion / Re: Is ThumbsPlus still in business?
« on: 2024-02-15 15:50:04 »
FastStone Image Viewer is not a database, but it's a popular and free image browser/viewer/editor/converter. It supports all the common bitmap formats and raw formats, plus HEIC and WEBP (through codecs in Win10/11). Website:

I've updated the archive to include a readme.txt - please download once more :)

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