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General Discussion / Re: Bad news about Phillip
« Last post by Warner_Young on 2024-07-05 12:38:57 »
I think we must assume that this means the end of Cerious Software. If I hear anything to the contrary, I'll let everyone know. I do not know how much longer the website, the forum and the ftp server will stay up. If there's anything that you'd like to download for future use or reference, I'd recommend that you do so soon.

It seems you are right, Daan. I can no longer access
General Discussion / Re: Bad news about Phillip
« Last post by Warner_Young on 2024-07-05 12:38:14 »
I'm very sorry to hear this. My condolences to his family.
General Discussion / Re: Bad news about Phillip
« Last post by browncoat125 on 2024-06-17 10:05:29 »
Very sorry to hear that news. My condolences to his family.
For ftp ( you need an ftp client or a browser that's capable of browsing ftp servers. The popular Total Commander file manager has an ftp client built-in, too.

As for the forum, maybe you can use a website copier like Cyotek Webcopy to create a full local copy of If that doesn't work, maybe print the most interesting topics to PDF files (simply using your browser's Print function) or take screenshots. My Firefox browser allows me to save even long multi-page topics to .PNG files.
General Discussion / Daan, downloading for future use or reference?
« Last post by Connie on 2024-06-09 08:20:31 »
Daan, you said, "I do not know how much longer the website, the forum and the ftp server will stay up. If there's anything that you'd like to download for future use or reference, I'd recommend that you do so soon."

How would I do this?  Specifically, I'm thinking about the forum:  there is a wealth of info contained here.  Is there a way to download the forum messages, or is it the brute-force method of displaying & saving one at a time?

Also, how do I see what's on the FTP server?

Regards, Connie
General Discussion / Re: Bad news about Phillip
« Last post by Connie on 2024-06-04 08:16:23 »
I am so sorry to hear of Phillip's passing.  I feel like a family member has gone.

R.I.P. Phillip

General Discussion / Re: Bad news about Phillip
« Last post by Teeple on 2024-06-02 12:10:09 »
I'm so sorry to learn of this and my thoughts are with his family. Thank you for letting us know Daan.
General Discussion / Re: Bad news about Phillip
« Last post by Daan van Rooijen on 2024-06-01 03:18:58 »
I think we must assume that this means the end of Cerious Software. If I hear anything to the contrary, I'll let everyone know. I do not know how much longer the website, the forum and the ftp server will stay up. If there's anything that you'd like to download for future use or reference, I'd recommend that you do so soon.
Announcements / Re: Bad news about Phillip
« Last post by Daan van Rooijen on 2024-06-01 03:18:20 »
I think we must assume that this means the end of Cerious Software. If I hear anything to the contrary, I'll let everyone know. I do not know how much longer the website, the forum and the ftp server will stay up. If there's anything that you'd like to download for future use or reference, I'd recommend that you do so soon.
Announcements / Re: Bad news about Phillip
« Last post by Daan van Rooijen on 2024-06-01 03:17:24 »
I'm very sorry to inform you that Phillip Crews has passed away on May 22nd.  May he rest in peace.
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