Author Topic: Keywords doesn't get displayed  (Read 14355 times)

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Daan van Rooijen

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Re: Keywords doesn't get displayed
« Reply #15 on: 2021-01-10 17:25:31 »
My pleasure! But I wouldn't give up just yet.. you may be close to finding a solution.

(I think it would still be a good idea to make a backup of your database file, though).

Earlier, you said this:

Afters searching by a keyword I switch to the "Fount Files" folder and open a picture in the view mode. Afterwards I use the line File|Go to Folder. That brings me back to the origin Folder every time.

So, your old thumbnail records with the keywords are still there. The big question is what you meant here by 'origin folder'. Because that is where ThumbsPlus was expecting to find the image files!

I no longer have a network, but I do have some external USB drives. When I search for images that are on an external drive (but the drive is not currently connected to the PC), then the full pathname of a found image may be something like this:


Ordinarily, the path would have been I:\FOTO\2018\201808\P12345678.JPG, but because the drive is offline, ThumbsPlus shows it in the tree as <BACKUPDRV2>, which is its volume label between <> signs.

So, I am curious what you are seeing in the place of that <BACKUPDRV2>, and if you can right-click on it in the tree and choose 'Volume Properties' to see why the thumbnail records no longer match the current location of your files.
« Last Edit: 2021-01-10 17:28:00 by Daan van Rooijen »
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