Author Topic: ThumbsPlus Perpetual license promotion/Current ThumbsPlus News  (Read 47076 times)

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Laura Shook

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Dear ThumbsPlus user or friend,

1) For a limited time during this winter holdiay season, we're offering perpetual licenses and upgrades for home users of Standard and Pro editions of ThumbsPlus. When you purchase a perpetual license, we will send you registration key for each future upgrade at no additional charge. We don't offer these often, so take advantage while you can!

2) We now offer two Small Business licenses. Small business licenses are perfect for SOHOs (small offices/home offices) and allow you to share a ThumbsPlus database on up to 3 or 5 computers concurrently. You may install on more computers, but only the licensed number of computers are licensed to run ThumbsPlus simultaneously. If you are not sharing a database, you may install and use ThumbsPlus only on the licensed number of computers.

The SB3 license is currently $179.95 and the SB5 license is $359.95. You may also upgrade from an existing Pro license for the difference in price ($60 and $240 respectively). Support and upgrades are included for one year. After that first year, you can continue to receive support and upgrades for one third of the current license price per year.

If you accidentally purchased a 5 user home network license for business use in the past, you may use the SB3 to SB5 to upgrade for $180.00.

You can order small business licenses here:

3) If you haven't visited our new web pages, they are now more usuable and friendly. They're especially improved for phones and tablets. Please visit us at:

4) The Program Updates within ThumbsPlus hasn't been working properly since we updated the web site. We're working to fix the problem, but in the meantime please check your current ThumbsPlus build in the About screen. If you're not running the latest, build 4015, please download it. We should have the issue fixed soon.

5) Several users have requested an easy way to donate money to us to help with our development costs while we finish up version 11. If you would like to help, use this link to send us any amount you wish via PayPal.

6) Version 11 is coming along nicely and we'll have a public beta available very soon.

Thank you so much for continuing to support ThumbsPlus!