Author Topic: Status Bar  (Read 15789 times)

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« on: 2015-01-13 13:30:48 »
Hi there,
wonder where my status bar is. In earlier versions TP showed in the main window (not the edit window) a status bar with informations like number of files selected, free space a.o.
Please don't tell me to use "Show status line" in the "Viewing Option", it has only effect for the viewing window, not the main window.

Daan van Rooijen

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« Reply #1 on: 2015-01-13 16:17:00 »
It should be where it has always been, just like in your image. If it isn't, I'd try this:

    [*]Look in Help | System Info for the name of your Preferences Path
    [*]Close TP
    [*]Go to that path and rename thumbs9.config to (for instance) thumbs9-config.bak
    [*]Restart ThumbsPlus to get the default layout which hopefully will include a status bar.

    See [msg=4184]Bytecook's response of 2015-01-21, 11:04[/msg] below if this did not solve the problem for you.
    I'm volunteering as a moderator - I do not work for Cerious Software, Inc.


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    « Reply #2 on: 2015-01-14 13:24:47 »
    Didn't work. Still no status line...
    Tried several times

    Daan van Rooijen

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    « Reply #3 on: 2015-01-14 16:10:12 »
    In v7 and earlier versions, the status bar's on/off setting was stored in the 'windowinfo=' option in the [Startup] section of thumbs.ini. It didn't seem likely to me that this setting would still affect v9 (considering that it uses a totally different interface system) but this setting still exists in v9's ini file and maybe there's something hidden in the code that disables the status bar from there.

    So, my next suggestion would be to try the same (rename) thing with thumbs9.ini, or to delete just the 'windowinfo=' line from it. Other than that, I have no idea what could be disabling the status bar on your system.
    I'm volunteering as a moderator - I do not work for Cerious Software, Inc.


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    « Reply #4 on: 2015-01-15 00:10:41 »
    I am having exactly the same problem.  I have a 5 user Home network license. Have exactly the same version of software on 3 windows 7 machines.  2 of them have the status bar (which I use quite frequently) and one does not.  I have tried to remove and recreate (and even copy from one computer to the other) the ini file and to no avail.

    I can find NOTHING in the forums about the issue.  I hope there is some easy fix to this but I am at a loss to find it.  Ironically, the computer that does not have it was a full fresh install of windows this morning. It had it before I replaced the hard drive.

    I still think version 7 was the best and I would still be using it if it understood Japanese characters in file names.  8 and 9 have not exactly lived up to 7.  I am having doubts about 10 and am not sure if I am going to upgrade or not.


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    « Reply #5 on: 2015-01-15 02:31:51 »
    Just reinstalled the software. Before I deleted all files in the Roaming\ThumbsPlus directory and still the same. No status line. Very strange.

    I know that this might not be essential to all but for me the status line is a very helpful thing.

    Daan van Rooijen

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    « Reply #6 on: 2015-01-15 06:09:23 »
    Could it be that you're running TP full screen and the status bar is being overlapped by Windows' task bar? I guess not, but I had to ask :-)

    When you're not running TP maximized, the lower-right corner of its window should show a small marking that indicates where you can pick up and drag the corner with the mouse to resize the window. With a correctly working version, this marking is located in the right end of the status bar. If you see that marking and you right-click your mouse slightly to the left of it, do you get the 'Customize status bar' dialog? (if so, and all items are Off, turn them On).

    Some more exotic suggestions..:

    Does the problem also occur when you 1) set your Windows task bar properties to 'always on top' and when you turn 'auto-hide' off and 2) re-start ThumbsPlus?

    Are you using a Windows theme like Aero (rather than Basic), or, are you using desktop management software (e.g. for multimonitor setups) or customisation/'skinning' software, like Window Blinds? Are you running Windows in the native resolution of your monitor? Have you set a larger system font in your Windows personalization options? Are your video and mouse drivers up to date? (As you may guess from these questions I am looking for anything that might cause a discrepancy between TP's window size and the available space reported to it by windows, which might cause problems drawing the window and positioning its components).
    I'm volunteering as a moderator - I do not work for Cerious Software, Inc.


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    « Reply #7 on: 2015-01-16 09:40:55 »
    Same problem here, running TP on 2 Windows 7 machines where the status bar is displayed correctly and on 1 Windows 8.1 machine, where the status bar was never seen. It was a fresh install of TP, the status bar was never there, the window size doesn't play a role. Spent days for figuring out whats the problem - but no success :-(


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    « Reply #8 on: 2015-01-16 13:36:30 »
    Win 8.1 problem? I'm also running a 8.1 64-bit system.


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    « Reply #9 on: 2015-01-16 14:46:08 »
    Yes, it seems so. I have just installed latest Beta of TP on a brand new Win 8.1 Tablet PC - and no status bar is visible :-((((( Maybe someone can confirm this?


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    « Reply #10 on: 2015-01-18 09:52:27 »
    My 8.1 tablet is fine.  So are two Windows 7 machines and an XP Netbook.  The one I can't get the status bar back on is a fresh install Windows 7.  It worked before I replaced the hard drive.  While said by somebody, the status bar is not 'essential' but very helpful.


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    « Reply #11 on: 2015-01-21 05:04:58 »
    Found it!

    Had the same problem...

    *FIX* Make sure that TP is closed... *FIX*

    1) In you'll find the file .

    2) Backup Thumbs9.config

    3) Open this file with notepad.

    4) Search for StatusBar

    I found this string on my PC:

    5) Modify the line to

    6) Save the file

    7) Restart TP - done :)


    TP saves this file on exit. The new entry shows




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    « Reply #12 on: 2015-01-21 06:33:57 »
    Whew, that was it. My status bar is here again. Thanks a lot!


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    « Reply #13 on: 2015-02-15 19:16:52 »
    That's great that it works, thanks - the view of how many files & how much disk space they're using, is critical for me; but as a follow-up for the developers:

    The documentation talks of 'CTRL-SHIFT-L' - but it's not working (which could be a temporary glitch).

    More importantly, why is it not available via a menu option/preference setting?
    In essentially every Windows program is a 'View - Status Bar' selection, but I cannot find it here.  Is it there, but hidden?

    PS - on my Win7 Pro 64 system, the config file is in C:\ProgramData\ThumbsPlus.


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    « Reply #14 on: 2015-02-23 18:13:57 »
    That worked great so many thanks for that, unfortunately I have just downloaded build 3946 to fix the irritating refresh problem and the status bar has disappeared again.

    Have looked in the Thumbs9.config file for the Visible="0" entry in the  StatusBar line but is isn't there.

    I did enter Visible="1" in the StatusBar line but this had no effect.

    Would be really grateful if you perhaps figure it out again for me, I am totally lost without the Status Bar.

    I did manage to get the external program to the toolbar again as this latest build removed that also.