Author Topic: Thumbnail Orientation 3928  (Read 16026 times)

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R. Kasten

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Thumbnail Orientation 3928
« on: 2013-06-15 04:19:37 »
Thumnail orientation has no effect on Slideshow, Editwindow and to external programs, only in thumbnaillist.


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Thumbnail Orientation 3928
« Reply #1 on: 2013-06-15 06:08:40 »
Obviously, as these don't use the thumbnails at all.


Pete Wieland

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Thumbnail Orientation 3928
« Reply #2 on: 2013-06-15 06:40:04 »
Thumbnail rotation should transfer to the slide show, it does for me.

Editing shouldn't as you are working on the original file and has nothing to do with the thumbnail, and external programs don't read anything from TP so don't know if the thumbnail is rotated or not.

R. Kasten

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Thumbnail Orientation 3928
« Reply #3 on: 2013-06-15 06:45:10 »
When I use the icons in the tool bar, the thumbnail is rotated in the list.
My scale is TP7, because it works. Why be satisfied with less?

R. Kasten

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Thumbnail Orientation 3928
« Reply #4 on: 2013-06-15 07:00:28 »
@ PeteW1959

Again in TP7 all views of the rotated Thumbnail (Editor, Slideshow and ext. Progs) are viewed also rotated. TP9 shows only the thumbnail in the list rotated, not more.


Pete Wieland

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Thumbnail Orientation 3928
« Reply #5 on: 2013-06-15 07:21:11 »
I don't have TP7 installed at the moment, so can't check how it works for me, but the TP9 way makes more sense. If you rotate the thumbnail, that is what is rotated, not the original image.

There is a seperate option under 'Quick process' which rotates the actual image, and this does transfer to the Edit window and external programs.

In summary:-

Right click - Thumbnail - Orient will rotate the thumbnail only.

Right click - Quick process - Turn.... will rotate the image.

R. Kasten

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Thumbnail Orientation 3928
« Reply #6 on: 2013-06-15 08:19:51 »
But this seems not the problem. The image is not changed, but the EXIF-Information contains the Orientaion, and for me the Problem can be found here.
Believe me, TP7 has not this behaviour.
The way TP9 handles this, gives no sense for me.
If you use TP9 as a frontend like I do, you will see, that the TP7-handling gives much more sense.

Daan van Rooijen

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Thumbnail Orientation 3928
« Reply #7 on: 2013-06-15 09:00:29 »
Have you checked your setting for Options | Viewing | Other | Use database thumbnail orientation when displaying images?

Or, if you are not refering to the thumbnail orientation but rather to the image's internal EXIF orientation: have you checked your settings under Options | Preferences | Metadata Rotate based on XMP/EXIF orientation?

(There are additional rotation options in the raw plug-in settings, but those apply only to raw images).
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R. Kasten

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Thumbnail Orientation 3928
« Reply #8 on: 2013-06-15 13:02:00 »
I got it know, the icons in the taskbar are the wrong one, i have to change them.


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Thumbnail Orientation 3928
« Reply #9 on: 2013-06-20 10:15:35 »
I'm guessing based on my experiences and research regarding image orientation: the EXIF tag is given a value to indicate the camera rotation when the picture was taken. See

I read some apps do not open an image with the desired rotation, either the camera is an old model or the app is not looking at the EXIF tag. You would like to set the EXIF tag to "normal" and save the image to the intended rotation, meaning you mo longer have to depend on an app providing the correct orientation when opening (or TP when displaying the thumbnail).

How does that sound?

P.S. I don't work for Cerious. I'm just a PITA-type analyst.

R. Kasten

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Thumbnail Orientation 3928
« Reply #10 on: 2013-06-21 12:07:17 »
thats not the problem in Thumbs.
TP7 shows that it is possible without turning the original file.

Daan van Rooijen

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Thumbnail Orientation 3928
« Reply #11 on: 2013-06-21 12:59:56 »
Karsten, you still haven't made it clear what the problem is.

You wrote:

"Thumnail orientation has no effect on Slideshow, Editwindow and to external programs, only in thumbnaillist."

Do you mean:

1) ..that the viewer ignores the EXIF orientation of the image?


2) ..that you have rotated the thumbnail of an image, and the viewer does not adjust the orientation of the displayed image to this rotation?

Both work fine for me in TP9.

For 1., you have to set Options | Preferences | Metadata | Rotate based on XMP/EXIF orientation

For 2., you have to set Options | Viewing | Other | Use database thumbnail orientation when displaying images

Note: If you are working with raw camera files, and you want them to be converted to the proper orientation, you should also look in the Digicam or DCRaw plug-in options.
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Thumbnail Orientation 3928
« Reply #12 on: 2013-06-22 07:43:31 »
I'm trying to come up with a generic solution for working with orientation.

Rather than tweak TP9 to function like TP7 for a few images... and possibly breaking something else, perhaps provide a way for the user to set an image with the desired orientation and click a "reset EXIF" button to make that orientation normal.

R. Kasten

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Thumbnail Orientation 3928
« Reply #13 on: 2013-06-23 06:54:48 »
I use mainly JPEGs. I set the options in the same way.
The problem is, that the orientation is not passed to external programs.
TP7 can do it without modifying the original file.
regards Rainer

Daan van Rooijen

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Thumbnail Orientation 3928
« Reply #14 on: 2013-06-23 07:39:03 »
Can you be more specific? How do you invoke that external program and how do you transfer the image to it?

If you have made a button for an external program and you click it to run that program with the file under the cursor, or when you open the file in external edit mode (Shift-Enter), then it is up to that program to recognize the file's EXIF Orientation tag.

When you edit a JPG in TP and save it, TP will always reset its orientation to Top-Left, so that every other program will load it the same way that you had it on your screen while editing.
I'm volunteering as a moderator - I do not work for Cerious Software, Inc.