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Topics - greg

Pages: [1]
Hi, How do I remove a user field entry from multiple files? I populate my user fields from meta data (so that I can search for them easily). The downside of that is that when I remove the metadata entry the value is retained in the user field that has the same name .
As a long way round I'm thinking that if I could delete the user field entry for all the files that have it assigned then they will automatically get it re-created (if metadata exists for the field) on creation of new thumbnail/scanning of tree.
Thanks in advance. from Greg

ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / delete default back to 'NO'
« on: 2015-10-20 05:24:06 »
In previous versions of TP there was a problem with the default for deleting being set at 'NO' .... so you say delete and then you'd think the confirmation would be ... are you sure you want to delete this?... set at YES so that you can bang the enter key or similar.
That was changed to YES but has now gone back to NO. I would really like to see it go back to YES.
Hope Laura does get time to look at the forum.
all best from Greg

Applies to
ThumbsPlus 8 SP1 Build 3537 and earlier

[img=right]images/uploaded/201107011327164e0dcb3401fbc.jpg[/img]The state (collapsed / expanded) of metadata groups sections in the Info Panel (eg, contact info, usage rights etc) are not retained when a new image is selected (all sections are collapsed). What should happen: the state should be preserved.

Solution (pending)
Needs to be fixed in a future release.

More Information
Problem initially reported by [link=]greg[/link] and confirmed / edited by [link=]hfremuth[/link].

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