Author Topic: Safe to delete from gallerythumbs outside TP GUI?  (Read 3157 times)

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I've been using TP 7.0-sp2 with MySQL for quite a long time now with very few problems. My main DB is very large and manipulation with the MySQL command-line client is sometimes useful. There's always a chance something will go wrong and I make frequent backups.

So far, it has seemed to be safe to add data to or delete from the foundthumbs, keyword, thumbnailkeyword and userfields tables; at least, I haven't had any bad experiences yet (though I don't know what the flags column in foundthumbs is for). I'm not so sure about galleries.

In addition to typical galleries, I have one tree of galleries used for selecting images to mark with keywords or userfields info based on various traits.  Thumbnails are dropped into those galleries, and sometime later one or two SQL commands are used to process the galleries' names/paths into keywords or userfields data _en_masse_. It's kind of a specialized extension to the tagged-images feature.

There are quite a few galleries in that tree and it can be a bit of an inconvenience to clear thumbnails out of it gallery by gallery with the GUI when they have served their purpose. It would be easier to delete from the gallerythumb table directly in those cases.

The gallery system looks like it might be more complicated than the ones I mention above, and I'm not sure if that's safe or if it might disturb some other area in TP's internal management.

Please let me know if it's OK or not. Thanks.

R. Simard

Daan van Rooijen

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Safe to delete from gallerythumbs outside TP GUI?
« Reply #1 on: 2012-11-12 23:18:30 »
> The gallery system looks like it might be more complicated than the ones I mention above, and I'm not sure if that's safe or if it might disturb some other area in TP's internal management.

I think only the developers (who don't seem to visit here often) can provide you with a definitive answer to that question, but I wouldn't expect any problems because gallery entries, as I understand them, are basically just pointers to the real file's thumbnail record.

I'm only aware of one feature that finds copies of images in galleries (i.e. works the other way around), and that's when you view the properties [Alt+Enter] of a regular thumbnail and look in the Galleries tab. I think that TP just performs a quick, temporary search at that point to find that particular file in any galleries, but theoratically, it might be keeping track of a thumbnail's gallery entries elsewhere in a table, and in that case, blindly deleting gallery records without updating that other table might indeed break something. If I were in your shoes, I think I'd just create a test database and check what happens in the database when you create (and later delete, through SQL) your first gallery and gallery entry, and what happens in the corresponding file's Properties dialog after you have deleted it. Afterwards, you could also see if the built-in Database | Compact and Repair functions show any hiccups.
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Safe to delete from gallerythumbs outside TP GUI?
« Reply #2 on: 2012-11-17 01:08:47 »
The manual sorting of a Gallery might provide some issues. Here I suppose an additional table is used that holds IDs of the thumbnails is the appropriate order (While I understand that a not manually sorted Gallery is not a table of its own, but just done by an additional value in the Thumbnail's data set.
