
All forums => ThumbsPlus v7-v9 Questions => Topic started by: George Curran on 2013-06-14 18:34:52

Title: Build 3928 - now I cannot see network drives
Post by: George Curran on 2013-06-14 18:34:52
Just installed the new build. I cannot see my network drives anymore. Oops!
Title: Build 3928 - now I cannot see network drives
Post by: George Curran on 2013-06-14 19:25:46
I have reinstalled build 3924 and the network drives are visible again. That will have to do for the moment.

I am running Windows 7 Home Premium
Title: Build 3928 - now I cannot see network drives
Post by: Daan van Rooijen on 2013-06-14 20:46:06
Did you happen to check your settings (Options | Preferences | Disks and Folders) when the new version didn't show network drives? I'm curious if it was just a new or changed setting or an actual functionality problem.
Title: Build 3928 - now I cannot see network drives
Post by: George Curran on 2013-06-14 20:59:46
I looked around the various file and directory settings to see if there was a setting for hiding network drives. Everything that looked remotely related such as network drives was ticked to be viewed, including hidden files.

I did try a repair on the new build. That didn't help.

When I reinstalled the older March build the network drives appeared OK.

At the time I was on the wireless network, but the old build worked at that time.
Title: Build 3928 - now I cannot see network drives
Post by: Laura Shook on 2013-06-19 10:49:37
Not good!

ThumbsPlus users please let me know if you can duplicate this problem.

Kind regards,
Title: Build 3928 - now I cannot see network drives
Post by: Laura Shook on 2013-07-03 15:52:20
This is a known bug but easy to work around. Just map one network drive and then ThumbsPlus will show your entire network.

This bug is on the list of fixes for the next release of ThumbsPlus.

Kind regards,
Laura Shook
Cerious Software, Inc.