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ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / SP2 4013
« on: 2018-03-09 06:52:34 »
So far so good and impressive improvement in performane. Thanks Cerious.

ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / Adding text to images
« on: 2016-03-03 05:09:05 »
Did you try going to Image - Stamp being editing one?

Not sure is what you are asking for but just in case

With the last Beta 9SP3B2, when using a Batch Process just to re-size the pictures in order to share with others I get this message for every file:

<5774> IMG_20150601_165248.jpg: Unable to update XMP, error #000000c9:     XML parsing failure
<6040> M:\2015\2015-06 (Jun)\small1\IMG_20150601_165248.jpg: XMP Metdata cannot be stored in file type 'jpg'

It was working right in the previous versions and Betas. As consequence of the error, it doesn't copy all the original EXIF and Metadata from the origin pictures to the destination. Really a bad thing because I had to go back to the previous Beta.

ThumbsPlus v7-v9 Questions / Accessing Facebook
« on: 2013-07-23 01:23:02 »
I think that your question is unclear and too generic. What do you mean saying "It asks me to post to my friends"... who is asking you to post? Thumbplus is not asking that I know.
Did you login? can you see the "Albums" and "Friends" folders?
Try to explain better what kind of problem you have and maybe we will be able to help.

I found some weeks ago a new forum in Google that maybe is going in the direction that you are pointing:!topic/thumbsplus-users/

Not too much activity but we will see...

About FB, Thumbplus is using the public APIs that I think are the responsible of the Login script errors because I saw the same or similar errors in other programs that use these APIs. FB is changing often and has to be difficult for developers to follow their changes mostly when probably changes are not published. Also not being a big demand in thumbplus community.

I think that right now Laura, Phillip, Heather and all the family team are focused in solving the issues of the current V9, trying to deliver a new release/servicepack that makes V9 better that V7 in all the areas, once Phillip worked so hard and lonely re-coding all the heart of the program. Not an easy thing for sure.

All of them have my sympathy and support in this wild world of the technology and their fast changes. We need of these small companies bringing us innovating and good products.

Once you are logged in, that's right, you see that fb:// meaning you are connected.
The only thing you have to do is go again to facebook folder in your Location panel and you will see that 1 folder will appear with your facebook name, and clicking in your name you will see 2 more folders: Albums and Friends. In Albums you have your own folders in facebook and in Friends all the friends with their folders if they allow to share them with Apps. All is very visual.

In fact you can see all the process to login and how these folders appear in the release note that comes with the new version, under Facebook label. Review it and you will see:

Just take your time and you will succeed. In my opinion Thumbsplus is a great program for people that like photography’s world with lots of features, meaning you have to spend some time to find and learn some of them but is just that. If your main focus is Facebook world probably you will find other specialized software better for now. I think is a new subject for Thumbplus people and users and takes time for all of us to be adapted. In thumbplus community, so far, I didn't detect too much interest in FB, but it can change in the near future.

The Login works for me besides 2 issues:

1 It appears an error dialog but apparently it doesn’t affect the login:
Line: 20
Char: 788
Error: not implemented
Code 0
Do you want to continue running scripts on this page ?

2 Is a limitation to 25 albums and to 25 photos per album

These 2 issues have been reported in the forum and in the way to be fixed in next release/servicepack we were told.

I don’t know about what the problem can be in your case... but maybe is related to the privacy in your facebook. In order to be able to login from an external Apps i think your account has to allow it in in the Apps to use. If in your account you have settled specifically that you don’t want other Apps to login in, maybe that could be the culprit but this is just a guess.

I agree the help page and error messages should be more helpful and I hope you will go over these issues.

Once you are in facebook, there are other issues related to be able to add, remove, copy and move from/to facebook and your system that I think they will be fixed in next releases.

That should be easy.

Go to your "Location" panel and just hit "Internet" label-folder. It will open a "Facebook" and a "FTP sites" subfolders and hitting in Facebook it will make to appear the Facebook Login.

You can try to make a BATCH process to copy to your local disc.

If there are special characters, that can not be used in a path name, in the name of the person or in the name of the album it wont work. That should be fixed as well.

Since the start of the v9 version, Thumbplus is not able to retrieve more than 25 pictures from a FB album. Probably it is related to the Graph API that is used. Googling about it, seems a way to get all of them using "paging":
Paging through Graph API results
See 'Paging' on

It would be nice to have it implemented being Facebook support one of the main justifications of this version,

I think that the right option in your case is to Install Version 9 all in the same folder(old style) instead "separate database and settings for each user.". That way it should'nt interfere with the settings of your other versions.

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