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Messages - RHSimard

Pages: [1]
Re: TP 7.0-sp2

I've been using TP with MySQL for quite some time, with few problems.

I notice in the log file that TP issues some commands to the MySQL server on startup that are failing.  As far as I can tell, they aren't causing any problems, but you might want to know about them anyway.  The MySQL database was created using the scripts from the Cerious site (thank you!). This may or may not apply to the latest version of TP.

In the first two errors, TP seems to be looking for several nonexistent fields in the databaseinfo table. The existing table using MySQL's vertical format:

*************************** 1. row ***************************
  Field: thumbnail_width
   Type: int(11)
   Null: NO
Default: NULL
*************************** 2. row ***************************
  Field: thumbnail_height
   Type: int(11)
   Null: NO
Default: NULL
*************************** 3. row ***************************
  Field: thumbnail_type
   Type: int(11)
   Null: NO
Default: NULL
*************************** 4. row ***************************
  Field: compress
   Type: int(11)
   Null: NO
Default: NULL
*************************** 5. row ***************************
  Field: alias
   Type: char(80)
   Null: YES
Default: NULL
*************************** 6. row ***************************
  Field: like_style
   Type: int(11)
   Null: NO
Default: 1

(The default Thumbs.td4 database is the same except it doesn't have the like_style column.)

ODBC reports that it is looking for column fsthumbs, and later,

"reg_name", "reg_code_7.0", "reg_users" from "DatabaseInfo"

The next error occurs when it tries to change the name of a column in the gallery table, but uses a different syntax from MySQL.

Issued command:

MySQL syntax:
ALTER TABLE Gallery CHANGE name name VARCHAR(255);

>>> (Should I just alter the table myself to match this?)

Log file up to the last error:

----Build #2251
.\Subs.c(1281): @53225.640(0.000): Start logging
.\Thumbs.c(6709): @53225.640(0.000): Startup: Show Startup Dialog
.\Thumbs.c(6719): @53225.656(0.016): Startup: DontSendErrorsToMicrosoft
.\Thumbs.c(6721): @53225.656(0.000): Startup: Initialize ZIP access
.\Thumbs.c(6723): @53225.656(0.000): Startup: OleInitialize
.\Thumbs.c(6727): @53225.656(0.000): Startup: TPVModuleInit
.\Thumbs.c(6730): @53225.656(0.000): Startup: TPMovieInit
.\TPMovieCtl.cpp(104): @53225.671(0.015): Startup: Movie Control Registered
.\TPMovieCtl.cpp(106): @53225.687(0.016): Startup: Sound Renderer Registered
.\Thumbs.c(6734): @53225.687(0.000): Startup: LzhRuntimeInit
.\Thumbs.c(6736): @53225.687(0.000): Startup: InitFpxCs
.\Init.c(90): @53225.687(0.000): Startup: InitApplication


.\Init.c(783): @53225.859(0.000): Startup: CheckODBCInstallation
.\Init.c(786): @53225.859(0.000): Startup: CheckODBCTracing
.\Init.c(788): @53225.875(0.016): Startup: CheckAccessInstallation
.\Init.c(801): @53225.875(0.000): Startup: OpenDatabase: (no cmd line) or DSN=Thumbs2 Pvt;;QuotedID=Yes
.\Nail.c(1498): @53225.875(0.000): Startup: Opening database: DSN=Thumbs2 Pvt;;QuotedID=Yes (DSN=Thumbs2 Pvt;;QuotedID=Yes)
.\Tpdbsql.c(307): @53225.906(0.031): DB Error: <8033:0> [1054-42S22] [MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver][mysqld-5.1.59-community]Unknown column 'fsthumbs' in 'field list'
   Select "fsthumbs" from "DatabaseInfo"

.\Tpdbsql.c(326): @53225.906(0.000): DB Error: <8033:0> [0-HY010] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Function sequence error
   Select "reg_name", "reg_code_7.0", "reg_users" from "DatabaseInfo"

d:\thumbs7\tpdbsql\dbsql_i.h(438): @53225.921(0.015): DB Error: <8033:0> [1064-42000] [MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver][mysqld-5.1.59-community]You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'VARCHAR(255)' at line 1
   ALTER TABLE "Gallery" ALTER COLUMN "name" VARCHAR(255);


I've been using TP 7.0-sp2 with MySQL for quite a long time now with very few problems. My main DB is very large and manipulation with the MySQL command-line client is sometimes useful. There's always a chance something will go wrong and I make frequent backups.

So far, it has seemed to be safe to add data to or delete from the foundthumbs, keyword, thumbnailkeyword and userfields tables; at least, I haven't had any bad experiences yet (though I don't know what the flags column in foundthumbs is for). I'm not so sure about galleries.

In addition to typical galleries, I have one tree of galleries used for selecting images to mark with keywords or userfields info based on various traits.  Thumbnails are dropped into those galleries, and sometime later one or two SQL commands are used to process the galleries' names/paths into keywords or userfields data _en_masse_. It's kind of a specialized extension to the tagged-images feature.

There are quite a few galleries in that tree and it can be a bit of an inconvenience to clear thumbnails out of it gallery by gallery with the GUI when they have served their purpose. It would be easier to delete from the gallerythumb table directly in those cases.

The gallery system looks like it might be more complicated than the ones I mention above, and I'm not sure if that's safe or if it might disturb some other area in TP's internal management.

Please let me know if it's OK or not. Thanks.

R. Simard

Thank you! I wasn't aware of that menu setting.  Looks like it may come in handy.

Ray S.

A few days ago, Thumbs 7 (7.0-sp2) thumbnail view suddenly began showing every file in any directory, regardless of the file type settings.  I even cleared the entire list of file types to display altogether, and it's doing the same thing.

This occurs even after creating a fresh database.

I've been running a MySQL database via ODBC for a long time now, with no problems. As I mentioned, the problem occurs with any database and doesn't seem to be related to databases.

Changing the display type option doesn't change this.

Apparently something has gotten corrupted, but I'm not sure where to look Any ideas?


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