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Displaying dimension of video files

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I've had to rebuild my database and I have to reconfigure some settings. I remember most of my old settings, and how I configured them, but I cannot seem to get the dimensions of my video files to show. I believe I was able to do that in the past.

I've checked Dimensions under Options->Preferences->Thumbnails View, and it shows for picture files, but not for video files. But if I right-click and select properties->details, I see the information I want.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Daan van Rooijen:
It works for me, but I seem to remember that some video properties are not registered properly when you thumbnail multiple videos at the same time. Have you tried thumbnailing a single video (select it and press F3), or thumbnailing a few by selecting them and pressing INS (which Tags them - but tagging also creates a thumbnail if there was no thumbnail yet)?

For me, thumbnailing multiple video files doesn't work at all, so I always use the INS method. And as said, I do get to see the dimensions when I do it that way.

When we discussed the problem of thumbnailing multiple videos (see [msg=4496]here[/msg]), it turned out that there were variations of the problem depending on which codec is used. Some users reported that (like you now) they did get thumbnails but not the dimensions.

Daan, you're the man! :-)

I had picked up a few TP tricks from this forum, but I had missed the INS trick!

Still waiting for TP to work its way through 4000 video files, but so far it looks promising!


Daan van Rooijen:
Remember to untag (Ctrl-INS) them afterwards, or they'll all have a silly little flag! :-)


I was a bit too optimistic. It takes longer time than the normal thumbing, especially for bigger files. (I've never understood why it should take longer to thumb a big file!). So I get "Not responding" messages all the time. Sometimes it starts again, but sometimes I lose patience and restart. So it takes a long time to get through 4000 files. :-(


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