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Messages - Daan van Rooijen

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I didn't comment on the ip address or serial numbers. To my knowledge they shouldn't matter. I would change that volume label though (from outside of TP, with TP not running).

Have you compared the volume properties as described earlier?

folks get new computers all the time.  I'd have hoped there was an automated way to do this; but in reviewing the help files there does not seem to be.

First, two precautions:

- Be sure to keep a backup of your database file.
- In Options | Preferences | Thumbnails, turn 'auto remove orphans' off (if it isn't already) to prevent that any thumbnails would be deleted if TP doesn't find the corresponding files where it expects them.
- In the same dialog window, turn 'Make thumbnails automatically' off. This helps avoid confusion on fast systems, where you might think that you are looking at your trusty old thumbnails when in fact TP has just produced them on the fly.

can I simply re "build" that mapped drive, or will it lose all my meta data and libraries?

Well, it depends. If ThumbsPlus shows you the old thumbnails (with their metadata etc) AND you can successfully open the files shown in ThumbsPlus, then they're in good shape and TP should not overwrite them when you use the Scan Drive, Scan Tree or Scan Folder commands to create thumbnails for new folders and files.

It's good that you see green and blue folders, but I'm puzzled that you do not see the new folders. I can think of only two explanations for that:

- It's not the new NAS drive after all (but that seems to be contradicted by the green color of the folders within). or:
- The 'Only show folders with thumbnails' option is on in Options | Preferences | Disks & Folders.

When you right-click on that drive in the tree panel, there's an option 'Volume Properties' that shows how that drive has been recorded in the database, and how it currently appears physically. Maybe that will tell you more about which drive (the new one, the old one or both) it represents.

I think the ideal solution, if you have a database backup from when you still used the old drive, would be this:

- Exit TP and restore that copy of the database file. Don't run TP yet.
- Be sure to give the new NAS exactly the same server name, volume label and folder structure as the old one (the server name is tied to the device, so if you only replaced the harddisk within, you won't have to fiddle with the server name).
- When you launch TP now, I would expect it to recognize the new NAS drive as the old NAS drive, and it should show both the old existing thumbnails and the new folders.

Also... if you're sure that you are seeing the new NAS and you see TP actually making thumbnails, but they're not being saved, then you may not have writing rights to your database or the database file has somehow been made read-only.

Maybe you're still seeing the thumbnails for the old NAS - does it look greyed-out in the tree?

ThumbsPlus has to match its thumbnail records in the database to the actual files in your system. With regular harddrives, it identifies them by their volume label. With network drives, it usually matches them by their share name (UNC). Drive lettters are not used. If your new NAS drive has a different server name, TP probably won't match your existing thumbnail records to the files on the new NAS (but see: Options | Preferences | Thumbnails to see how it performs the match on your system).

For this reason of matching files to their corresponding thumbnailrecords, it's important that you're consistent in how you approach your drive. In the tree, you may see it as a regular drive due to its mapping to a drive letter, but you'll also see it in the network branch. To ThumbsPlus, those are two different drives and when you thumbnail one, those thumbnails won't show when you look in the other.

(you can disable the display of certain drives, or the network branch, in the tree panel using Options | Preferences | Disks & Folders).

This is not a direct answer to your question but hopefully it will help you to find the solution.

General Discussion / Re: overprinting on image
« on: 2021-03-18 13:53:52 »
You probably mean Image | Stamp in the viewer/editor.

This will print over (a section of) your image, like you asked. However if you prefer to add a border first and print on that, you can use Transform | Crop/Add Border for that. When you enter a negative value for 'amount', a border will be added (with positive values, the image will be cropped).

ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / Re: Photoshop Wont Start
« on: 2021-03-16 20:27:30 »
Some ideas...

Have you tried this also after a reboot? Just to exclude the possibility that you may have a stuck/crashed instance of PS still running in the background, which might keep another session from being launched.

When you go to Options | Customize | Tab:Programs and you Edit your entry for PS, and you use the [...] button to the right of its command line to lookup and select its executable, does that fix the issue?

If not, what I'd probably try next is to create a batch file that launches PS and then run that batch file instead.

Thanks Bernie! Interesting approach, I had not heard of RSP before (I guess the 'dominant' solution for mass-editing metadata is still Exiftool with its cryptic commandline interface).

ISSUE is that this also define a Metadata Date as the current date/time.

That, as such, seems correct. The Metadata Date is simply the last time that the metadata was edited.

When I later use the "Modify File Info" > Set to XMP/EXIF date-time

The File Date-time is set to a "metadata Date" and not the "Camera>Original Date/Time" previously defined!

That's strange. Are you sure that it is setting the time stamp to the Metadata Date and not simply to the current system time? (which of course would also be wrong, but might have a different cause)

Does this also happen when you work with JPG files instead of PNG?

Any Idea?

Maybe bring it to the attention of tech support..:

ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / Re: TP dropping my 5TB Drive
« on: 2021-02-10 00:35:30 »
Does Ctrl-F5 (refresh tree) help, and does Windows' own Explorer show the drive when TP doesn't? Have you thumbnailed at least one file that's on the drive?

What's going on?

Beats me! This is the first time that I hear of C&R producing an error. The 8038 error usually occurs when someone tries to access a database that he has no access rights to (most commonly when people try to use a MySQL database with the wrong username/password combo).

Are you using a plain old .tpdb8 database? Did you see any other errors during the process? Maybe you could try the C&R again having launched TP with full admin rights?

Yes, it will do all of that.

However, I would recommend that you make a backup of the database and the image folder beforehand (as I would recomment before any such 'major operation' :) )  and personally, I would copy rather than move the images, and only delete the source files once I'm satisfied that the operation has been a success.

You will also have to assign a volume label to the new drive, but I guess TP will prompt you for that if the drive doesn't already have a label.

Afterwards, you may want to do 'Database | Advanced | Compact & Repair' to physically free up the space from the old thumbnail records in the database file (if you've used the two-step Copy + Delete appoach rather than Move.. I don't think that Move alone would generate new records. Actually I'm not sure, but it won't hurt, so I'd do a Compact & Repair anyway).

My pleasure! But I wouldn't give up just yet.. you may be close to finding a solution.

(I think it would still be a good idea to make a backup of your database file, though).

Earlier, you said this:

Afters searching by a keyword I switch to the "Fount Files" folder and open a picture in the view mode. Afterwards I use the line File|Go to Folder. That brings me back to the origin Folder every time.

So, your old thumbnail records with the keywords are still there. The big question is what you meant here by 'origin folder'. Because that is where ThumbsPlus was expecting to find the image files!

I no longer have a network, but I do have some external USB drives. When I search for images that are on an external drive (but the drive is not currently connected to the PC), then the full pathname of a found image may be something like this:


Ordinarily, the path would have been I:\FOTO\2018\201808\P12345678.JPG, but because the drive is offline, ThumbsPlus shows it in the tree as <BACKUPDRV2>, which is its volume label between <> signs.

So, I am curious what you are seeing in the place of that <BACKUPDRV2>, and if you can right-click on it in the tree and choose 'Volume Properties' to see why the thumbnail records no longer match the current location of your files.

The outcome of your test was entirely predictable.  That is why I asked, in my first message:  "are you consistently accessing your images through the same path (in the tree panel) as before?"

Do you still have a backup of your database from before you changed your computer? If so, you could take a copy of that database and load it using Database | Open in the menu. Be very sure that "make thumbnails automatically" is still off, and that you do not make any new thumbnails.

Then follow my earlier suggestions of searching for your keywords, to locate the original folders where the images were stored according to ThumbsPlus (or, manually browse until you find the greyed-out folders with your original thumbnails. Maybe they are in Offline Network, but they might also be in a greyed-out drive under Dieser PC). You can check the volume properties of that drive to hopefully see why it no longer matches the current situation. Maybe the drive mapping is different, maybe a volume name or drive serial number has changed, maybe a server name.. but something has definitely changed.

The screenshots show that you have configured TP to not show the network in the tree panel, and that you are accessing the image files through a mapped drive letter, "l:".

So, a possible explanation would be that on the old computer, you did show the network in the tree panel, and you accessed the images through this Network entry in the tree.

To test this, you could turn off "Do not show the network branch" in Options | Preferences | Disks&Folders (and maybe refresh the tree, Ctrl-F5) to see if your old thumbnails can be found under 'Network'.

I have also tested the search function. The keywords entered were recognized. In the directory "Found Files" the found images with keywords were displayed.

I am at a loss as to how to proceed.

Well, as I suggested earlier:

"When one or more files have been found, open one in the viewer/editor and do File | Go to folder. This should take you to the folder where the file with the keyword was found and now you can check if the other files there have their keywords, too."

So, what folder does it take you to?

The volume information looks good. But it's strange that your old thumbnails can also be found under Offline Network, because that would indicate that the NAS is currently down... Or that your old thumbnails are no longer recognized as being from the NAS, but again, the volume information seems to match OK.

Earlier, I also asked: "Before proceeding, could you go to Options | Preferences | Thumbnails and turn 'make thumbnails automatically' off, if it isn't already off?"

So, was 'make thumbnails automatically' on or off?

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