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Messages - ABeckBeuron

Pages: [1]
ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / Sigma SD1/SD1m X3F-Files
« on: 2016-01-10 15:09:49 »
Ok, thank you very much.

But I can not find any difference in the files opened in TPP10 (Viewing window) either "use embedded Jpeg" is checked or not.

So my question is still unanswered: Does TPP10 use embedded Jpegs for viewing and editing SD1-X3Fs (note: SD9-15 and dp-X3Fs are different!) or not?

Are there absolutely any embedded JPEGs in the X3F-Files?


ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / Sigma SD1/SD1m X3F-Files
« on: 2016-01-10 11:52:57 »
With the latest TPP10-Versions I can open and view SD1-Raw-Files (X3F) in really good quality. In TPP9 this was not possible - only X3F-Files from the SD9, SD10, SD14 and SD15 could be opened (dpx-cameras never tried).

My question: Does TPP10 process the original X3F-Data or does it extract embedded jpeg-previews - ignoring the full image information?


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