
All forums => ThumbsPlus v10 Questions => Topic started by: cmess on 2017-03-27 17:28:32

Title: Include subgalleries when viewing
Post by: cmess on 2017-03-27 17:28:32
Is there a way to view subgalleries similar to "include child folders"? Also, how do I make a copy of all the photos in a gallery to a disk?

We have 50,000 photos that our sales group has taken over the last 25 years. They sometimes like to organize them in small subsets for a specific client or presentation. So what they do is copy the files into a new folder and subfolders. This makes it nice for them to print, make hard copies, or send to others but it is filling up the server harddrive.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Was hoping Galleries and sub-galleries would do the trick.
Title: Include subgalleries when viewing
Post by: Daan van Rooijen on 2017-03-27 18:26:20
> Is there a way to view subgalleries similar to "include child folders"?

I'm afraid not..

> Also, how do I make a copy of all the photos in a gallery to a disk?

Just select all images in the gallery (press Ctrl-A) and use File | Copy.

> So what they do is copy the files into a new folder and subfolders. This makes it nice for them to print, make hard copies, or send to others but it is filling up the server harddrive.

Well, it sounds like they could just create galleries for those photos, instead of copying them to new folders.

To get back to your first question..: if you want to combine multiple galleries, you can create a new gallery, then visit each existing gallery, press Ctrl-A to select its thumbnails, and use 'Thumbnail | Gallery | Add To' to copy them to the newly made gallery.
Title: Include subgalleries when viewing
Post by: cmess on 2017-03-28 09:57:16
Ok. I was hoping there was something I missed. I wanted to copy the folder (subgallery) structure along with the files. When we make a special disk of photos for marketing or sales, we like to create a folder structure. Copying the contents of a gallery is easy (ctrl-A, COPY) but not so easy if we have subgalleries and want to maintain the folder structure. There isn't much choice other than to physically copy the files and create the folders (once).

So now I have a feature request. Copy all (including gallery and subgallery folders and contents).