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Redeye removal tool not working in version 10


Whenever I try to use the redeye removal tool, my mouse cursor completely disappears. At that moment, I have to port out to a different app to fix the red eyes. My cursor option is set up just like it was in version 7 -- default, I think. Anybody know a fix for this?

Daan van Rooijen:
I doubt if this function was still meant to be active.. it's no longer accessible through the menu (but the Shift+R keyboard shortcut still works).

As an alternative, you can change the selection mode to Eliptical (Alt+O), position the cursor at the center of the pupil and Shift-Drag the mouse to select the iris. Then use Adjust Colors (C) to desaturate the iris.

I didn't know it's not supposed to be active. I was able to easily add it to my tool bar using the "customize" option, just as I did with version 7. So, you're saying it's just sitting there looking pretty and not working at all (which is something I already know)? It sounds like your alternative method is more work than simply porting out to Photoshop for that function.


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