Author Topic: Database is full error/ I can't create new thumbnails  (Read 8935 times)

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Laura Shook

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If your ThumbsPlus default database has hit the 2 Gb file size limit you have several choices.

To check your current database size go to Database>Statistics "file size in bytes".

A.) You can start over with a brand new database (with or without this 2 Gb size limit).
(Please see FAQ "ThumbsPlus Database choices")

B.) If you have important thumbnail data such as keywords, annotations, udf's, offline thumbnails or galleries that you do not wish to lose you can use a newer option that allows you to GREATLY increase the thumbnail count capacity on an existing database.


BEFORE BEGINNING, make sure that you have a backup of this current important database.


This way you will have it if anything goes amiss with this process. The ThumbsPlus database holds important data that you should always have a copy of. Databases can be damaged in several ways including a crash or a power outage while the ThumbsPlus database is open.

1. Before beginning this process the database needs to be smaller than the 2 Gb size limit. To increase your current database size you will first need to release some space that will allow this option room to do its job.

If there are thumbnails that are old that you do not need any longer, you can remove some of that data from the database.  For example you may have some folders with test images that you do not need thumbnails of.  Right click any folder of this type and go to "remove from folder". This will remove any thumbnails and the associated data for files you do NOT need thumbnails of. (You can always remove some thumbnails that don't have data attached to them and remake the thumbnails after this process has finished as well.)

2.  Run a repair and compact of the database to remove space that has not been recycled. Database>Compact and Repair.

3.  After the compact, run a JPEG compress on the database as well. DATABASE>JPEG COMPRESS (I suggest the quality to be set between 65 and 75.)

**Note that if  you have removed a ton of thumbnails you may decrease the database size enough to continue to use your current database. In this case you can ignore the rest of these instructions.**

Increasing your current database size capacity:

Please note:

1.  You can NOT stop this process once it has been started or the database will be hopelessly confused and you will have to restore the database from backup.

2.  This database size increase process may take a VERY long time even if you have a fast system. You can start the process when you will be away for your computer for a few hours, or before you go to bed.

3.  If ThumbsPlus is already open, close it and relaunch. If you have more than one database make sure that the database that holds all of your data is the database that is open.

Now to increase your current database size capacity, go to DATABASE>ADVANCED>Move Thumbnails to Files. (Image attached.)

4.  Now you just sit back and wait. Again, the process may take a LONG time.

5. When the process is finished, do a another repair and compact of the database and then close ThumbsPlus and relaunch. Your database will now have the increased capacity of 6 to 7 million thumbnails and their associated data.