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ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / Re: Window size and position on startup
« Last post by aslaksen on 2023-05-26 19:05:46 »
Thanks, I tried that, but it doesn't work. I have rotated my monitor into portrait mode, so I want it to start up filling the whole monitor. Instead, it starts up on the right monitor, but with a size matching the notebook. Which means that it extends over into the notebook (which is on the right hand side).

See Options | Viewing | Window.
ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / Window size and position on startup
« Last post by aslaksen on 2023-05-26 09:14:57 »
I just had to reinstall on my notebook PC. I have two monitors, and I want my big external monitor to be my main monitor. In the past, TP started on my external monitor, but I can't get it to work now. I can't remember what I did in the past. I tried to use the Options -> Preferences -> Startup setting, but TP still started on my notebook. I went to Windows 10 settings, and made my external monitor my primary monitor. Now TP starts on the external monitor, but with the same size as if it had started on my notebook. Any suggestions? Thanks!

ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / Re: Gallery decoration
« Last post by Daan van Rooijen on 2023-05-03 21:15:20 »
There's no decoration for 'added to a gallery' that I know of.. why were you expecting that one would exist?

When you check a thumbnail's Properties (Alt-Enter), go to the rightmost tab in the dialog, named Galleries, to see the galleries that it has been added to.

If you want to see at a glance which galleries your files are part of, you could add a descriptive keyword (e.g. 'G-People', 'G-Dogs' or 'G-Cars') to all the files in a gallery, and make sure that keywords are displayed in the thumbnail view. Of course, you would have to remember to add that keyword again when you add new files to the gallery.
ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / Gallery decoration
« Last post by macsnapper on 2023-05-03 04:24:29 »
Hi all - help needed
I have thumbnail decorations turned on. However when I add a thumbnail to a gallery it does not show any decoration so I don't know which thumbnails have been added to a gallery. What am I missing?
General Discussion / Re: w10 versus w11
« Last post by miltk on 2023-03-19 21:42:22 »
i dunno. ive never seen the point of using later versions.
until there comes a point with compatability issues.

thx again daan
General Discussion / Re: w10 versus w11
« Last post by Daan van Rooijen on 2023-03-19 13:04:54 »
i have an old tp5. i can install it on w7 and w10 on the C drive

can i do the same in w11???

Well, if it works with Windows 10, chances are that it will with Windows 11 too.

However, you should be sure NOT to install it in Program Files or another system directory that is write-protected by the 'UAC / User Access Control' feature in modern Windows versions. I still continue to use some very old programs myself, and I've created a folder 'C:\LegacySW' to install them in.
General Discussion / w10 versus w11
« Last post by miltk on 2023-03-19 06:04:25 »
i have an old tp5. i can install it on w7 and w10 on the C drive

can i do the same in w11???

ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / Re: Thumbnails from newer RAW format files
« Last post by Teeple on 2023-02-09 09:10:24 »
Hi Daan,

Thank so much for your reply!

I tried solution one using Digicam and then Digiraw. No luck. I suspect my cr3 files do not have an embeded jpeg image. However, I had set my camera to save the image file in both raw and a small size jpeg so I could at least get a thumbnail from the jpeg image in the same folder.

Solution two may be too complex for me since there is no auto-install feature with Libraw. I copied only the dcraw_emu.exe file and changed the names as you had suggested, without manually installing the rest of the Libraw download. I couldn't create cr3 thumbnails but surprisingly, I was still able to create cr2 thumbnails! I expect I would have to manually install the entire package to get it working.

I might try installing TP on another machine and then try installing the Libraw files and see what mess I can make! If I take this on, I'll let you know how it works.

Thanks again,
I curious to know if there is now a good work around in ThumbsPlus to create thumbnail images of the more recent camera RAW formats, specifically .CR3.

I don't think there is. ThumbsPlus offers two plug-ins for loading raw files, and both are based on DCRAW which hasn't been updated since 2016.

I think I'd try two things:

1) Create a filetype definition for the .cr3 format, tell TP to load it through the Digicam or Digiraw plug-in (try both) and in the options of that plug-in, tell TP to use the .jpg thumbnail that is embedded in raw files. With luck, one of the plug-ins might manage to retrieve the thumbnail even if it doesn't fully support the .cr3 format.

2) Apparently the Libraw raw development toolkit comes with a program named dcraw_emu.exe that emulates DCRAW but that is up to date in terms of raw formats supported. When you look in your TP10 program folder, there's a BIN sub-folder that contains the original DCRAW.EXE. You could rename that e.g. to DCRAW-old.exe and then copy DCRAW_EMU.EXE into that folder and rename it to DCRAW.EXE. That way, you will have replaced the old dcraw with a new one that should function very similarly to the old one, except with support for new raw formats. Then launch TP and see if you can get it to load your .cr3 files (and any other raw files). If this works, you should not have to specify in the plugin options that the embedded thumbnail should be used (though for the purpose of thumbnailing, it is quite a bit faster than developing the actual raw data).
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