Author Topic: thumbnailing large video files  (Read 6159 times)

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thumbnailing large video files
« on: 2016-08-21 02:38:23 »
Hello everybody!

I am using 4010.
Lately i bought a new HD video camera. When creating thumbnails it seems that the complete file (.mts) is being read just to create a thumb from the first frame (this is what it is set to but other settings like percentage do the same. You can watch this with the task manager).

In other words: a Full HD video of 12 GB is completely read in just to create the thumb from the first frame. Even with 32GB of Memory and multiple files, the system-cache is filled quickly with the video files. As a consequence the system slows dramatically down because all other data has to be read again from the HDD after the thumbnail creation filled the cache completely.

So my question is: Is there any way to prevent TP from doing this?

Best regards

Daan van Rooijen

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thumbnailing large video files
« Reply #1 on: 2016-08-21 03:08:28 »
> When creating thumbnails it seems that the complete file (.mts) is being read just to create a thumb from the first frame (this is what it is set to but other settings like percentage do the same.

Strange, that's not what I'm seeing: 7 seconds to thumbnail the first frame of 14 movies, and 47 seconds to thumbnail the last non-black frame. I didn't look for memory usage, but I think these process times already suggest that TP isn't reading more than required to do the job.

Some suggestions:

    [*] Disable ThumbsPlus' private virtual memory manager:
    [*] If that doesn't help, see if you can white-list *.mts files in your antivirus software (or just test again with A/V temporarily disabled).
    [*] If the files are on a network drive, see if they process faster (and w/ less resources) from a local drive.
    [*] If none of this helps, maybe you can see if SysInternals' Process Monitor offers additional cues as to what's happening:[/list]
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    thumbnailing large video files
    « Reply #2 on: 2016-08-21 03:59:21 »
    Alright. The virtual memory thing applied: no change.

    Thumbnail creation of two files about the same size (250MB) from a network drive:

    .mp4 = some few data was read but it was done in 2 seconds
    .mts = ALL data was transferred into RAM, thumb created and RAM data released

    So i guess TP is searching for something in the file and therefore needs to read in the complete thing. Since the .mts is AVCHD and not "regular" MP4, this might be the reason.

    Daan van Rooijen

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    thumbnailing large video files
    « Reply #3 on: 2016-08-21 04:32:45 »
    Interesting. I wonder what would happen if you rename the .mts to .mp4 (probably no difference).

    It's actually a codec that fetches the frame and passes it on to ThumbsPlus. So, if you have a choice of codecs for that particular format, you could look into that as well. In the past we used to recommend the GSpot utility to figure out which codecs are available for any particular movie format, but there may be more polished tools available today. If not:
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    thumbnailing large video files
    « Reply #4 on: 2016-08-21 07:08:57 »
    Well i tried renaming it to mp4 with the result that no thumb was created at all.
    I will check other options like camera settings. If any success - i will post it here.
    Thank you very much for your help!

    Best Regards


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    thumbnailing large video files
    « Reply #5 on: 2016-09-03 11:06:01 »
    There is a little known feature in windows 10 (I think it's in 7 and 8 as well) called snipping tool.  This allows you to capture all or a part of your screen.

    Play your video in your favorite player (full screen) and freeze the frame you want.

    Then  use snipping tool co capture the frame.  Once that's done, the capture is in you clipboard.

    Last step:  Highlite the video in thumbs plus, click thumbnail/make from clipboard and you're done.


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    thumbnailing large video files
    « Reply #6 on: 2016-09-03 11:41:58 »
    I used to have this problem in the past, too, but it seemed to go away in one of the recent releases. Or maybe it was caused by a change in my codec setup. Thumbnailing videos is quite buggy.


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    thumbnailing large video files
    « Reply #7 on: 2016-09-07 06:15:10 »
    Well... This works good for a handful of files. But it is not unusual that you have a hundred or more clips when you return from a recording session in the forest for example...

    Btw: VLC has a built-in snapshot button without the need for extra software.


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    thumbnailing large video files
    « Reply #8 on: 2016-09-07 12:15:51 »
    Yes, it's true that VLC will grab a snapshot, but using the snipping tool actually requires let effort and fewer mouse clicks.


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    thumbnailing large video files
    « Reply #9 on: 2016-11-24 14:57:15 »
    ThumbsPlus 10 isn't even seeing my .mts and mt2s files.  How do I fix that?  I don't see those file types under Options -> Preferences -> File Types.

    I'm using Windows 10 and TP10SP1 [build 4011]

    Daan van Rooijen

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    thumbnailing large video files
    « Reply #10 on: 2016-11-24 16:42:15 »
    > ThumbsPlus 10 isn't even seeing my .mts and mt2s files.  How do I fix that?  I don't see those file types under Options -> Preferences -> File Types.

    You can add them yourself. In that same dialog, press New and enter:

      [*]Extension: mts
      [*]Description: MPEG Transport Stream AVCHD (or whatever you want to put there)
      [*]Equivalent to type: mpg[/list]

      Press OK and that should be it.
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