Author Topic: thumbnails in files  (Read 4506 times)

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thumbnails in files
« on: 2015-07-14 18:38:59 »
I am using v10, but I think the answer should be the same for either version.

As I delete files, or delete just the thumbnails, it appears that the thumbnail files don't go away.

Currently I have over 16 gigs of thumbnails for almost 1 million files.  

Do the thumbnails go away at any time?  What happens to the data (key words, annotations, etc) if I delete the thumbnail files.


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thumbnails in files
« Reply #1 on: 2015-07-15 17:22:29 »
Have you ever tried
Database>Advanced>Compact and repair.

I believe that the orphaned thumbnails are then deleted.


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thumbnails in files
« Reply #2 on: 2015-07-16 18:41:51 »
I experimented a bit and here's what I found

If the thumbnail files are deleted, instead of a box with a big X, we're left with a solid black box.

Here's the good news.  The attached data (key words etc) are saved so that I can maintain my saved searches and galleries.

So, the last word here will be if someone has a way (short of removing thumbnails) to restore the cute red X. :)


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thumbnails in files
« Reply #3 on: 2015-07-16 22:10:59 »
I have the impression that you do not understand these files correctly.
Actually, this solution is only for Jet Databases. They allow a maximum file size of 2GB. Therefore, the thumbnails are stored in separate files and not in the database. Now the file size of the database is reduced considerably.

The black boxes shows you that you delete a file, that is not orphaned. Only the thumbinformation is missing, the databaserecord with all other information (keyword ...) stil exist.

Processing the thumbfiles manually therefore is not meaningful.
Just treat your database as normal database and leave everything to TP

In case of solid black thumbs just make the thumbnail again.
If you want to remove the thumbnail use >shift-DEL<
If you want to delete tth image use >DEL<

Use Database>Advanced>Compact and repair regularly to clean up database and thumbfiles