Author Topic: Hilarious new bug  (Read 3123 times)

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Hilarious new bug
« on: 2014-09-09 15:05:07 »
I loved TP and I intend to stick with it but sometimes it acts like a naughty teenager; this new bug is an example.

 I'm running TP9SP1 on Win7. After months of using it pretty normally, TP9 suddenly decided to play a prank on me. When doing a slideshow from a gallery everything is fine, but a slideshow from a folder will only show in Numeric Name order regardless of how the thumbnails are sorted. They sort properly on the screen but not in the slideshow. Am I crazy?? - I re-clicked both primary and secondary sort options to Random and other sort options. The thumbnails sorted themselves properly but still the slideshow refused to cooperate. Unbelievable - it had never done this before... WTF??

Now here's the kicker: the Galleries work fine - they sort themselves properly and display the slideshow accordingly, but if I go back to a folder, the problem persists. I rebooted the computer and started fresh and the bug still persists.

TP, you're grounded until you stop playing these pranks on me.



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Hilarious new bug - Mystery Solved!
« Reply #1 on: 2014-09-10 10:17:37 »
I found the cause of the problem. In Options Viewing Slideshow I had checked "Include Subfolders" but there were none. I unchecked the box and now it's OK. I recommend that if you want to watch a slideshow in random sequence which includes subfolders, that you use the Random checkbox in the slideshow options rather than a random sort of the root folder.
