Author Topic: Copy ThumbsPlus keywords to IPTC  (Read 8942 times)

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Copy ThumbsPlus keywords to IPTC
« on: 2016-10-06 02:47:51 »
I use Thumbsplus Pro Version 6.0

Is there a way to copy all keywords from the database of ThumbsPlus in the IPTC data of all JPEG file from a directory ?

Daan van Rooijen

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Copy ThumbsPlus keywords to IPTC
« Reply #1 on: 2016-10-06 10:54:02 »
I don't recall for sure if version 6 already had the IPTC Editor (Ctrl-I), but if it does, the answer would be yes. The method to use would be:

    [*]Select the jpg files
    [*]Bring up the IPTC editor (Ctrl-I)
    [*]In its menu, choose Keywords | Combine with Database
    [*]Press OK

    Note that the date/timestamp of the files will probably be updated when the database keywords are written into the IPTC headers of the files. If your files contain an EXIF 'original date/time' stamp, you can use Modify File Info (Ctrl-Shift-Q in the main screen) afterwards to reset the file dates to their date taken.
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    Copy ThumbsPlus keywords to IPTC
    « Reply #2 on: 2016-10-07 04:05:30 »
    Thank you Daan,

    There is no option "Combine with Database" in IPTC Editor (Ctrl-I) Keywords of version 6

    I will try this method when I upgrade to ThumbsPlus Pro Version 10.

    Daan van Rooijen

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    Copy ThumbsPlus keywords to IPTC
    « Reply #3 on: 2016-10-07 08:10:19 »
    > I will try this method when I upgrade to ThumbsPlus Pro Version 10.

    Well, when v8 was released, the IPTC-editor was replaced by a different command, Image | Batch Edit Metadata. That's still how it is with version 10. You would use it with these settings:

      [*]XMP field to modify > Keywords
      [*]Operation to perform > Append
      [*]New value > Get value from > Image info > Keywords
      [*]Click 'Add step', Press OK.[/list]
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      Copy ThumbsPlus keywords to IPTC
      « Reply #4 on: 2016-10-09 05:42:41 »
      Thank you Daan

      It works fine but it would be nice to have the possibility of selecting all the files within a tree.

      Daan van Rooijen

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      Copy ThumbsPlus keywords to IPTC
      « Reply #5 on: 2016-10-09 06:19:19 »
      > It works fine but it would be nice to have the possibility of selecting all the files within a tree.

      You can; right-click on the top-level folder (of that particular tree) and choose 'include child folders'. That will show you all files in that folder plus those in its subfolders.
      I'm volunteering as a moderator - I do not work for Cerious Software, Inc.