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Pete Wieland

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PDF Plugin
« on: 2013-10-23 05:34:10 »
I have had to re-install my PC from scratch, and have lost the Ghostscript and PDF plugins for TP.

There used to be a thread with detailed instructions and download links, but it is missing. The download links on the Ghostscript page are broken.

Does anyone have a backup of that thread, and working links to the relevant downloads?

Daan van Rooijen

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« Reply #1 on: 2013-10-23 08:08:13 »
Weird, it looks like my message about the PDF plugin was deleted!!

Here's where you can get Ghostscript (get the 32b version):

Here's a link to the plug-in:

Instructions in brief:

    [*] Install 32 bit Ghostscript on your system.
    [*] Download and unzip the plug-in (plug_gs.tpp) and place it in your plugins folder. For ThumbsPlus 7 that should be simply its program folder and for TP9 I think that's a subfolder named plugins.
    [*] Launch ThumbsPlus
    [*] Tell ThumbsPlus where to find Ghostscript:
      in TP7: Options | File Plugins | Ghostscript PS/EPS/PDF | Ghostscript installation location
      in TP9: Options | Ghostscript PS/EPS/PDF | Ghostscript installation location
    This location should point to the Ghostscript DLL. On my own system, it is "C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.64\bin\gsdll32.dll".

    [*] Update the filetype definition for PDF files (and any other filetypes that you want to be loaded through Ghostscript such as PS, EPS and/or AI) by setting the 'Load Using' value to 'Cerious Plug-in', and in the field to the right of that choose 'plug_gs.tpp'. The filetype definitions are under Options | Preferences | Filetypes. Or you can just right-click on a file of the desired type and choose 'Configure type' from its context menu.[/list]

    I hope this helps!

    I'm volunteering as a moderator - I do not work for Cerious Software, Inc.

    Pete Wieland

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    « Reply #2 on: 2013-10-23 08:51:37 »
    Thanks Daan, just what I needed.

    I think your original post went when Philip made a mess of putting a new TP9 category up.

    Perhaps you should pin this post, as there isn't anything in the help or on the main site that covers this.


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    « Reply #3 on: 2014-06-18 22:43:39 »
    Whoops.... put the TPP in the wrong folder (older version).       Now that I have it in the right place, I do have the option and I have set it properly.

    SUCCESS... .AI files are new viewable as thumbs.

    I also thought that PDF files weren't working right but now that portion is confusing.   I have a PDF on my desktop (according to properties... Adobe PDF Version 1.3... and it shows a PDF icon but no thumb.  If I click on it, opens.

    I went to another folder that had a bunch of PDFs and all those show thumbs (and are the same version).  

    I tried "rescanning" the desktop, never thumbed the PDF files on their.

    Not a big issue but interesting to say the least.   Any ideas?


    Daan van Rooijen

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    PDF Plugin
    « Reply #4 on: 2014-06-18 22:52:07 »
    Are you sure that the PDF on your desktop is a PDF and not just a shortcut (.lnk) to one?

    Also, have you set the .pdf filetype to be loaded through the Ghostscript plug-in? I find that not all PDF files can be read by Ghostscript, but the large majority can.
    I'm volunteering as a moderator - I do not work for Cerious Software, Inc.