Author Topic: Create different icons for two databases?  (Read 2862 times)

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Create different icons for two databases?
« on: 2014-09-16 18:53:17 »
I love and have used ThumbsPlus for several decades and am currently (old dog resisting new tricks) using v7 Pro, and have decided to create a separate database (TD4) for some of my work.  I'm currently running the default Thumbs.td4 for everything, and have set up a separate database called “Thumbs-AllCameras.td4.”  But how do I setup a separate icon on the desktop to open that one while leaving the existing icon to call the original database?  I've tried several different things but so far no luck.
I want the new database to mirror all my existing preference settings from the Thumbs.td4 database.

What steps do I need to take to accomplish both?
Separate question:  Is there a limit to the number of files and folders that the v7 database holds?  I currently have 301,000 images files in 3,364 folders.

Thanks, -Michael

Daan van Rooijen

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Create different icons for two databases?
« Reply #1 on: 2014-09-16 20:49:17 »
> But how do I setup a separate icon on the desktop to open that one while leaving the existing icon to call the original database?

Just create a new shortcut on the desktop that points to the new .td4 file.
Alternatively, make a copy of the current TP7 shortcut and edit it to put the name of the new database on its commandline.

> I want the new database to mirror all my existing preference settings from the Thumbs.td4 database.

ThumbsPlus has global settings that are stored in thumbs.ini.

Other settings are database-specific and these are stored in .tdo.

You could compare .tdo with .tdo to see what's still different between those two.

> Separate question:  Is there a limit to the number of files and folders that the v7 database holds?  I currently have 301,000 images files in 3,364 folders.

The only practical limit is that a .TD4 database cannot grow larger than 2 GB in size. See File | Database | Statistics to see how far removed you are from that.

Depending on the thumbnails' dimensions and their type and compression level, you may already be approaching that limit. I so, you can use File | Database | Compact to purge any deleted thumbnail records (that may still be taking up space) from the database. If that doesn't help much, smaller or more heavily (JPG-)compressed thumbnails could help, or catalog your image colection in multiple databases.
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