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Messages - MattM1121

Pages: [1]
ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / Docking Histogram window
« on: 2017-09-05 07:54:18 »
I found in the helpfile the following;

"The viewbar is a dockable tabbed window which allows quick access to image color information, current zoomed image area context, file information and image comments."

I just can't seem to find it.

Thanks for pointing that out.


I agree there doesn't seem to be anything else like TP. I'm currently looking at ADCSee. It's nice but seems typical of DAM software as far as cataloging. A review that I read comparing DAM stated that a big drawback to TP was the inability to post to social media. I hope TP get's that feature in place.

I appreciate the information.




I've been a long time user of TP since v5. I've used it mainly to manage scans and photos from phones and other lower end devices.

I purchased a Nikon DSLR camera recently and I'm going to start a new photography hobby. Which means that I'll be really dependant on a quality DAM application.

TP is great and it worked for me for years and years. It fits the bill quite nicely. My concern is support and application development moving forward. TP went through some rough times, but I stuck with it and I'm glad I did.

Does anyone know if TP is still an actively developed application? I don't mean to sound crass, but if TP is waning then I should move on. I certainly hope my fears aren't justified.




I'm trying the Facebook functionality and just don't seem to understand what it's used for. When I log in it shows my name and two sub directories; "Albums" and "Friends". When I click on each of those nothing happens.

What's the intent? Am I supposed to be able to see my albums? Can I post to any albums?

I appreciate any feedback about this.



ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / Docking Histogram window
« on: 2017-09-04 15:34:44 »

I was wondering if there's a way to dock the Histogram window? I find the hover preview just fine for the thumbnail images. What I think would be nice is when a thumbnail is selected the docked histogram windows would be updated.

If it's not available would it be possible to get it added as a feature?



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