Author Topic: Switching to MS SQL Server 2005  (Read 2919 times)

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Switching to MS SQL Server 2005
« on: 2012-01-29 01:22:16 »
I know nothing about databases, but I'd like to switch my T+ database into SQL Server so that it will be faster over a network. I downloaded the script for creating the database, and although it didn't say anything about what tool to use to run the script, somehow, like the proverbial million monkeys typing away, I managed to run the script by accident somehow. So now I have an empty database, containing nothing but the proper DatabaseInfo table.

So how do I get the actual data transferred into it? Is there nothing better than using File->Database->Export to produce a ginormous text file, and then using File->Database->Import? And also, how do I open the database? When I go to File->Database->Connect, am I supposed to find something via File Data Source? Or is something supposed to be there in Machine Data Source? There isn't.