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Copying or applying all metadata form one image to another

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I'm sorry, I've completely lost focus on this forum. I only remembered today that I had posted an answer here.
I understand - you want to edit several files with one command call. I haven't needed this yet because I always check or update the metadata immediately after editing an image. But I understand your problem - you have a lot of image files whose metadata is incomplete or lost and you don't want to update each image file individually.

This maybe the solution:
I've created the following scenario to test it and it seems to work fine:

In the current directory I have a lot of TIFF-files with complete metadata. In the subdirectory JPG there are the same files with same names but JPEGs and missing metadata. Now Now I would like to copy the metadata of the TIFF files into the JPEG files of the same name.
I open Windows Commandline "cmd" and change to the directory where I have my TIFF-files. There I start the following command:
exiftool -tagsfromfile %f.tif JPG -ext jpg                             (JPG is the directory, where the jpg-files without metadata reside)
Now all metadata has been restored. Camera data, location, keywords, .... have been copied to my JPEG-files.
I think, this is what you need(?)

If source and destination files are JPEGs, then you can use this command:
exiftool -tagsfromfile %f.jpg JPG                                       (now you do not need the -ext option, because source and destination have the same suffix)

I am not a exiftool guru but I found solutions for the problems that I had with exiftool. If you need something special, please contact the exiftool forum.

Good luck!

Hi Ernst,
Many thanks, I will have try at (may be y issue was using @ instead of %f !).
(i did workaround command line error before your post using an Excel macro to generate a .bat command containing
one exiftool call per file... for sure more complex than what to suggested  :) )
Thanks again.
Best regards


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