
All forums => ThumbsPlus v7-v9 Questions => Topic started by: R. Kasten on 2013-06-12 02:36:20

Title: TP9 and Sqlite
Post by: R. Kasten on 2013-06-12 02:36:20
I have tried to change SQLite setting to accelerate tasks with assigning PRAGMA-keywords. In Thumbs9.ini this seems to be possible with the entry:

InitialDatabase=Database=Y:\Thumbs.tpdb8s; Driver = {ThumbsPlus SQLite3 ODBC Driver}; Timeout=5000; NoCreat=Yes; SyncPragma=NORMAL

I changed this entry to:

InitialDatabase=Database=Y:\Thumbs.tpdb8s; Driver = {ThumbsPlus SQLite3 ODBC Driver}; Timeout=5000; NoCreat=Yes; SyncPragma=OFF; PRAGMA journal_mode=OFF

I am aware that i lowered the reliability, but with the new setting the work is much faster.
Unfortunately, TP9 overwrites this setting on closing.

It would be nice if this setting is stored permanently.
regards Rainer
Title: TP9 and Sqlite
Post by: Pete Wieland on 2013-06-12 05:24:28
There was a solution for the ini file getting over-written that one of the forum members had posted, but Cerious deleted it, along with all the other fixes and workrounds for TP9.

It seems that they have deleted all the posts that had any mention of the many bugs in their software, and don't even want the user community to fix them.

Perhaps the person who posted the original solution will see this and re-post the workround for you.
Title: TP9 and Sqlite
Post by: R. Kasten on 2013-06-12 06:56:02
Thanks for your notice
Title: TP9 and Sqlite
Post by: Laura Shook on 2013-06-19 15:37:53
Hi Rainer,

Thanks for the report. Phillip is fixing this problem for the next build of ThumbsPlus v9.

Kind regards,