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Messages - RichardBriggs

Pages: [1]
ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / Slide Sorter Capability
« on: 2016-02-12 03:28:12 »
Thanks guys. I just looked at both but neither offer me the 'lightbox' capability that Thumbsplus offers in its galleries. In fact is there ANY program that does this other than Thumbsplus? Even if Photoshop or Lightroom offers this (does it?) then you'd probably have to commit to their proprietary organiser capability. I just find the Thumbsplus facility so useful. As a matter of interest here's an example of how I use it....

Come back off holiday with 600 photos. Cut them down to the best 100. But then I need to sort them into a logical order. How do I do that in Explorer? No way. So...

Open Thumbsplus.
Create a Gallery.
Drag and drop the 100 images into the gallery.
Drag and drop individual images around until I get the order I want.
When complete, auto rename to, say, Holiday nnnn where nnnn is four digits, leading zeroes and incrementing in 10s. So

Holiday 0010
Holiday 0020
Holiday 0030

Note the auto rename actually renames the original files in Explorer.

Now delete the files from the gallery as I do not actually needs a Thumbsplus Gallery.
Exit Thumbsplus
I can now sort the folder by filename and all my images are in the order I need for viewing.

So useful. But in this one exercise I am involved with the auto rename won't do what I want. Never mind.


ThumbsPlus v10 Questions / Slide Sorter Capability
« on: 2016-02-11 09:54:04 »
Hi, I have used Thumbplus for years and am currently on V8 SP1. One feature I use a lot is the 'slide sorter' or 'lightbox' capability offered in galleries and the great file auto renaming capability. However I have a requirement that can't be met (I assume) and am wondering whether V10 provides this....

I want to add a numeric (or alphabetic) prefix to the names of multiple files and have the prefix increment for each file. So, for example...

I have the following files...


Then I sort to the following order (in a Thumbsplus Gallery)....


Then I want to auto rename these to...


Of course, I need to do this to hundreds of images at a time otherwise I'd do it by hand!

There are plenty of free packages on Windows that allow you to add incremental numbers at the start of a filename but none (that I know of) that allow you to sort (as in Thumbplus Galleries) first.


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