Author Topic: iPhone images folder in windows explorer  (Read 8747 times)

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iPhone images folder in windows explorer
« on: 2019-09-03 00:20:49 »
Can T+ be configured to open images folder on an iPhone?

Daan van Rooijen

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Re: iPhone images folder in windows explorer
« Reply #1 on: 2019-09-03 01:19:03 »
Can T+ be configured to open images folder on an iPhone?

Do you see that folder in Windows Explorer? (it's probably called DCIM)

If you do, I think you should be able to see it in ThumbsPlus as well.

When you look in the tree panel under This Computer, do you see "Macsnapper's iPhone" there? There are some options under Options | Preferences | Disks & Folders that could be relevant.
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Re: iPhone images folder in windows explorer
« Reply #2 on: 2019-09-03 07:15:03 »
Thanks Daan
the phone appears in the explorer window.
I've tried ticking boxes in the disks and folders preferences but nothing seems to pull it up in the T+ tree, so maybe not an option.
The path name in windows is This PC\MaciPhone\Internal Storage\DCIM  but pasting that into the pathname box in T+ doesn't work...
A pity, it would be useful.

Daan van Rooijen

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Re: iPhone images folder in windows explorer
« Reply #3 on: 2019-09-03 16:39:54 »
Yes, too bad! Some things seem to work only in the native Explorer.

Are you positive though, that 'MaciPhone' does not appear under (well, within) 'This PC'? Have you tried connecting the iPhone first and then launching TP? Or, press Ctrl-F5 to refresh the tree?

I have one final potential trick upon my sleeve..:

- Close TP
- Open the iPhone's DCIM folder in an Explorer window.
- Drag and drop a JPG file from that folder onto the ThumbsPlus icon on your desktop
- This should launch ThumbsPlus and make it display that JPG image in its viewer/editor
- From the viewer's menu, pick: File | Go To Folder
- This should cause the main TP program (the thuimbnail listing) to display the DCIM folder. So, go to the main program and choose Tree | Add to Favorites in the menu. Give your new favorite folder a description like 'iPhone' and save it.
- IF this worked, from now on, you can simply use the 'Go To' function to jump to your iPhone. There's a big yellow star icon up above the tree panel that you can press, or you can use Tree | Go To in the menu.
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Re: iPhone images folder in windows explorer
« Reply #4 on: 2019-09-04 08:13:49 »
no sadly the drag and drop doesn't work... maybe I should submit it as a suggestion.
thanks for the thought.


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Re: iPhone images folder in windows explorer
« Reply #5 on: 2019-09-15 20:21:09 »
I'm having the same problem with a Google Pixel XL phone. Windows Explorer shows the phone fine. I could not drag & drop a JPG image onto TP. I manually set TP as the default App for JPG files through the Windows Explorer JPG image properties dialog. (Windows 10 Settings would not even show TP as an App to permit this change).

While I still couldn't drag & drop onto TP, I could double click a JPG image on my phone using Windows Explorer to open it in the TP Viewer.

But when I clicked on "Go To Folder" from the TP Viewer, this is where it took me in the TP folder tree:

TP still did not see or register my phone properly.

Daan van Rooijen

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Re: iPhone images folder in windows explorer
« Reply #6 on: 2019-09-15 22:00:20 »
But when I clicked on "Go To Folder" from the TP Viewer, this is where it took me in the TP folder tree:

Are you positive that this file was stored on your phone's internal memory and not in the cloud?

I know that many devices only work with native Windows Explorer but not with applications that use Explorer functionality. So, that might be the cause and in that case, I don't think there's anything that can be done about it.

Things that I would still try:

- Switch the Pixel to a different file transfer mode (as explained here: ) and don't launch TP until after you've made that switch.

- See if there are Pixel drivers for Windows 10 that enable access from more applications than Explorer only.
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