Author Topic: tp5 not finding new images  (Read 9828 times)

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tp5 not finding new images
« on: 2017-09-27 03:49:27 »
this has happened a couple of times. i copy image files into the source folder and when i opened tp5 they didn't show up, so i cannot organize them in my galleries. this is happening on occasion, but not always. the new images should always be at the top as i arrange them by date/descending.

is there a way to search for them ? like does tp5 have an image search function? i know the file name. maybe i'd have to do it this way for those "lost" images.

or,,,if tp5 simply cannot find them in the startup scan what else can i do to correct this when it happens?


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i found a workaround
« Reply #1 on: 2017-09-27 04:00:05 »
i have to proceed with these "lost" image  files one at a time, and they appear in their proper place.

however, i'd still like to know what the heck is going on and if it's correctable

Daan van Rooijen

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i found a workaround
« Reply #2 on: 2017-09-27 15:54:32 »
> this has happened a couple of times. i copy image files into the source folder and when i opened tp5 they didn't show up, so i cannot organize them in my galleries.

Are these regular JPGs on a regular local harddrive?

> the new images should always be at the top as i arrange them by date/descending.

Not necessarily.. for instance, if under Options | Sort By , 'Thumbnails first' is set, then the not-yet-thumbnailed files will appear at the end of the list. Or they may not show at all if Options | Which Files is set to a set of filetypes that does not include the new files.

> like does tp5 have an image search function?

It does (Edit | Find by Query) but it only searches for files that are already in the database so that's of no use here.

> or,,,if tp5 simply cannot find them in the startup scan what else can i do to correct this when it happens?

I don't recall any known bugs in v5 that would keep existing files from showing up in the thumbnail listing. In other words, if there are files that do not show, something must be wrong in your settings.

> i have to proceed with these "lost" image  files one at a time, and they appear in their proper place.

What do you mean by proceed - what are you doing that does make them show up?
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i found a workaround
« Reply #3 on: 2017-09-27 17:54:07 »
...these are jpg's in a folder residing in my image editor in c\program files option\sort by. i have them as date descending and that is all "proceed" i mean following the same steps as normal. my routine is,,,,
     1 - copy 10 images at a time to c\program files\psp\images
     2 - open tp5 which defaults to the above path and the td4 database at startup, and the new images are all          there at the top after the scan for me to categorize in my galleries
     3 - but these errant images have not been appearing when i open tp5.
     4 - so the workaround when this happens is instead of copying 10 images at a time, i started copying ONE image at a time and everything is hunky dorey. fortunately there   are only a few. i have a backup laptop with the same setup, and when i do it there  everything ok. in other words, this i only happening on my main desktop.

it should also be noted that when i do this work aroung the new images are NEAR the beginning but not AT the beginning like they're supposed to be

Daan van Rooijen

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i found a workaround
« Reply #4 on: 2017-09-27 18:26:23 »
Does their sorting order change (correct itself) when you press F5 to refresh the thumbnail list?

One way to always get the newest files at the top is this: Turn 'make thumbnails automatically' off (in Options | Preferences | Thumbnails), and in Options | Sort by turn 'thumbnails last' on. With that, when you launch TP, it will show the newest files at the top, as big red crosses because they haven't been thumbnailed yet. You can then either select them and press F3 to thumbnail them, or just click the Scan Folder button (or press Shift-Alt-F3) which will also thumbnail them.
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i just did a query and found a lost file
« Reply #5 on: 2017-09-27 18:40:23 »
it shows up in the "found files" folder.

where can i go from there? can i just move it to a gallery  as normal?  where do i move this found file so'z it'll appear in the resource folder ,,,\images

 i will try your suggestion....your suggestion didn't work. i turned off auto thumbnail and checked thumbnail last, with the same problem. i did do a query for both files and both were found in "found files", so i guess i have to proceed from there. btw, my workaround is not working . these lost files are not appearing in my source folder


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ok...i found them...whew!
« Reply #6 on: 2017-09-27 19:00:21 »
they were buried, lost in the shuffle. i do not know if they were there all this time or not and they got lost in this whole mish mosh.

my question still stands however....can i move a "found file" to a gallery as i normally would? clearly they are there in the source path but i don't see them when i open tp - maybe they're buried or something.

Daan van Rooijen

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ok...i found them...whew!
« Reply #7 on: 2017-09-27 19:46:57 »
> can i move a "found file" to a gallery as i normally would?

Yes - right-click on the found image and use Gallery | Add To..

> clearly they are there in the source path but i don't see them when i open tp - maybe they're buried or something.

When you right-click on a found file and pick 'Go to folder', TP will take you to the original file at whatever location it was found at.
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