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Messages - Teeple

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Bad news about Phillip
« on: 2024-06-02 12:10:09 »
I'm so sorry to learn of this and my thoughts are with his family. Thank you for letting us know Daan.

General Discussion / ThumbsPlus alternatives
« on: 2023-10-10 09:54:39 »
Good morning.
I'm wondering if anyone has discovered a good substitute program to use in place of TP? Although I love the program, TP does not support thumbnail creation of newer image file types and I'm unable to find a satisfactory work around for this. I have Lightroom but have not yet used this to catalogue and mange my images.
Any suggestions are appreciate!

Hi Daan,

Thank so much for your reply!

I tried solution one using Digicam and then Digiraw. No luck. I suspect my cr3 files do not have an embeded jpeg image. However, I had set my camera to save the image file in both raw and a small size jpeg so I could at least get a thumbnail from the jpeg image in the same folder.

Solution two may be too complex for me since there is no auto-install feature with Libraw. I copied only the dcraw_emu.exe file and changed the names as you had suggested, without manually installing the rest of the Libraw download. I couldn't create cr3 thumbnails but surprisingly, I was still able to create cr2 thumbnails! I expect I would have to manually install the entire package to get it working.

I might try installing TP on another machine and then try installing the Libraw files and see what mess I can make! If I take this on, I'll let you know how it works.

Thanks again,

I curious to know if there is now a good work around in ThumbsPlus to create thumbnail images of the more recent camera RAW formats, specifically .CR3. I'm not keen to convert all my images to DNG. I'm using Windows 10 and the CR3 codec is installed somewhere on my computer. I have other installed programs that can create the thumbnail images (Canon DPP, Adobe PS, Camera RAW, Thanks!

ThumbsPlus Suggestions / Folder labels
« on: 2019-07-17 21:19:28 »
I think it would be helpful to be able to label or change a folder icon in some way. Currently, a folder is coloured green when thumbnails are created, yellow when no thumbnails are created and gray when it is a ghost folder. I would like someway to indicate if I have fully reviewed the contents of a folder, if it is partially reviewed or if I have completed reviewing it. I would alter the folder label icons manually. It could be a strikethrough, an X a circle around it or some other label I could apply. I would prefer not to move folders. Could this work?

ThumbsPlus v7-v9 Questions / Canon 6D Raw Support
« on: 2014-01-27 19:58:52 »
I have the same problem with my Canon 6D RAW files(TP9 v3928, W7). The files will open properly, albeit slowly, after using the Adobe DNG converter.

I would like to add my voice that editing the metadata should require fewer steps. I too liked the IPTC editor in TP7. In TP9 it would be nice to select multiple images and use the metadata panel to edit multiple images at at a time. It does seem to involve more steps using the batch editor - at least for what I use it for.

I am glad that the Metadata panel will at least allow editing of one image now.

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