Author Topic: So long, and good luck.  (Read 2773 times)

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So long, and good luck.
« on: 2014-06-13 12:54:41 »
I have used ThumbsPlus since it was called ThumsUp back in 1994. I bought every version and every upgrade. When TP8 came out it was horrible. I removed it and went back to TP7. TP9 took a very long time to be released so I was hopeful that Cerious had learned from the TP8 debacle. It was even worse. Now, after a numerous rounds of beta testing SP1, everything I found broken in TP9 is still broken.

I don't know what changed at Cerious Software between TP7 and TP8, but it seems to be pretty fundamental. They simply cannot produce quality software anymore. I'll stick with TP7 until it no longer runs or I find a better alternative.