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Topics - MetcalfeP

Pages: [1]
ThumbsPlus v7-v9 Questions / database or disk is full (13)
« on: 2013-07-16 08:54:02 »
Anyone else met this one, the database is a tpdb8s (sql lite) format (so not single file, single entity 2GB limit etc.)

This was met as the result of a compact and repair, however, as the database is 31.81GB and there is 150GB+ available free space, it was not generated because the disk was full.

That means we appear to have found the database limit for sql lite.

Note: There is no warning when you approach the limit it simply stops creating/adding thumbnails and tasks may be added which will always fail, the main giveaway though is that the program (thumbs.exe) just ramps memory use until whatever amount the machine has plus swap is exhausted.

Please also note in this latest version 9.0.3928 the issue with 100%+ is back (before the limit was found,) opening any video file or viewing a gif crashes the program as you try to close the file / viewer.

Given up with ever seeing pdf's properly again....

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