Author Topic: ThumbsPlus v9 SP2 test  (Read 3145 times)

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Laura Shook

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ThumbsPlus v9 SP2 test
« on: 2014-09-17 13:53:06 »
Dear ThumbsPlus Users,

Thank you all for your support and patience!

Because of the numerous reports of troubling problems we have decided to fix the issues with ThumbsPlus v9 SP 1 before beginning BETA with ThumbsPlus v10. We have also decided to change some behavior in v9 to reflect v7. Even more of your suggestions for these changes will be in v10!

I am posting the link here before releasing this latest as we WANT your feedback and reports of trouble before releasing this latest to the masses.

I have a list of fixes and plans that I will be posting.

PLEASE NOTE: Editing the UDF's in the info tab is not working correctly but this is known and will be working in the release.

PLEASE NOTE: Showing UDF's in the thumbnail pain is showing a few quirks but please play with this new ThumbsPlus. It is already so much better than the last build and you will be able to tell that we have put in many hours.

We welcome your comments and feedback.

You can download this latest BETA here:

We want your feedback!

Kind regards,
Laura Shook
Cerious Software, Inc.

Michael M

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ThumbsPlus v9 SP2 beta3
« Reply #1 on: 2014-12-24 02:17:52 »
(I had just realized today that with TP9sp1 on WindowsXP my Quick Batch was not removing file information (EXIF) anymore even though I had set it to.)

I found your TP9sp2b3 and the problem is fixed!
Also the bold, strike-through font in all my TP message windows has been fixed!
And the Metadata information visible/available is much more complete for my Nikon, fantastic!! (And an updated description if&how to use the xmpnames.dat/xmpvalues.dat files would be the cherry on top!)

Always wanting to get this working, so I tried once again to use Image: Batch Edit Metadata and try to change the field "Description: Rating" to a value like 2 or 3.
When I try it with "Set if blank" I get "Unable to update XMP, error #00000000: An unknown error occurred" - but at least TP doesn't crash anymore!
When I try instead with "Set" it works!!
When I try with first "Set if blank" then "Set if present" in same Operation List it works too!

Now would you please, please, please introduce some way to use keyboard shortcuts (such as Numpad1 to 5) to set/change the Rating (1-star to 5-star) of a JPG file with a single keystroke,
either hardcoded in TP or even better through customizable keyboard assignment to execute self-defined Metadata Batch Editor Operation Sets!!!

Happy Holidays!


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ThumbsPlus v9 SP2 beta3
« Reply #2 on: 2015-01-22 00:25:15 »
The installer of ThumbsPlus v9 SP2 beta3 has a strange issue. Although the main file of version 3943 is Thumbs9.exe, the installer also installs file Thumbs.exe, which is of older version 9.0sp1b73937. This causes a strange behavior: when I run program with a shortcut, which indeed leads to Thumbs9.exe, everything is normal. But when I click database file, which was set to open with Thumbs.exe, an older version (from the same directory) opens, which causes ThumbsPlus to signal continuously about the update. Took me some time to figure out the reason. I'm 100% sure the uninstallation clears all the exe files from the system, and there were no other Thumbs plus versions in other directories installed on my machine. Thumbs.exe is clearly installed by the installer of the newer version "Thumbs9.exe".

I think, the old version should be removed from the installation.

Laura Shook

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ThumbsPlus v9 SP2 beta3
« Reply #3 on: 2015-01-22 13:05:07 »
Thanks for the info. That is there because some plug-in's were looking for thumbs.exe. Phillip is removing that now!
