Author Topic: ThumbsPlus 7 - List of all user defined field entries  (Read 8164 times)

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we are using ThumbsPlus in our company to tag all the pictures from different projects and departments. However, the procedures over the last years led to a bunch of useless user defined field entries.
My question now is: Is there a possibility to print a list of all used entries for each user defined field, so that we can clean it up? Since there is a popdown menu, the values must be stored anywhere.

Thank you in advance.

Daan van Rooijen

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Re: ThumbsPlus 7 - List of all user defined field entries
« Reply #1 on: 2019-07-30 08:32:38 »
I don't think there's any such option in ThumbsPlus 7, but if you are using a regular .TD4 database (which is really a regular .MDB database) , I'd recommend that you open the database in MDB Viewer Plus (freeware from to examine and edit your user field entries.
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Re: ThumbsPlus 7 - List of all user defined field entries
« Reply #2 on: 2019-08-08 07:36:57 »
Thanks for the suggestion to view the database directly. This indeed worked fine.
In our case we have a MySQL database and I used HeidiSQL to view the entries and some MySQL magic to extract the user field entries.

The SQL command to get each entry of a user defined field once and in ascending order is:

SELECT DISTINCT uf_keyword FROM UserFields ORDER BY uf_keyword ASC,

where _keyword is the actual name of your user defined field.

Just in case anyone else has this problem :).