Author Topic: UH-OH serious problem here  (Read 8490 times)

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UH-OH serious problem here
« on: 2017-09-14 04:12:51 »
i tried opening my tp5 and got this message for the first time ever  ....

[5015/8036] Database error:SQL connect error;[0-IM006]
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed.

i am presented with some options, like creating a new database(which is mind-bogglingly impossible as i have 5000 images on the database), but i chose "open existing database", which in turn presents me with the td4 already residing in the tp folder. I  click on it and tp opens however i am presented with this error every time now, and i must chose the existing db again.

in other words, my td4 is fine but the program cannot connect to it.

here's a history of my computer - a long while ago, probably a few years, i noticed FOR THE FIRST TIME that there was a td4, a Thumbs.tdo,  and a Thumbs.idb file residing on my desktop. I DO NOT know where these came from as i never mess around with the contents of the tp folder,,,but somehow someway, these three files suddenly appeared on my desktop - i didn't put them there. so, not knowing anything i sent the thumbs.tdo file to trash but when i tried to open tp it didn't open. so i restored the  file to my desktop and everything was fine. since then i have never messed with those three files on my desktop. so as it stands i have a td4  and thumbs.tdo file in the tp folder but also this other td4 and .tdo file on my desktop along with the thumbs.idb file

my guess is that for some reason, and this is a pure random guess, when i've been opening tp it has not been connecting to the files in the tp folder but maybe these three desktop files instead.

am i correct and HOW CAN I RIGHT THINGS
also,,,what the heck is the .idb file. there is no .idb file in the tp folder, only the tp4 and .tdo files

btw when i open tp5 on my backup laptop there are no such issues,,,none of the three files are on my desktop,,,so whatever is happening to tp on my desktop it is not happening on the laptop.



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ok. i fixed it
« Reply #1 on: 2017-09-14 10:41:51 »
i went into preferences and redirected the database address although i still don't know how a copy of the three files got onto my desktop.....any thoughts on why?

Daan van Rooijen

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ok. i fixed it
« Reply #2 on: 2017-09-14 11:37:51 »
> i went into preferences and redirected the database address although i still don't know how a copy of the three files got onto my desktop.....any thoughts on why?

Probably because at some point you created a new database there. If you have now set TP to load a different database in its startup preferences, they'll not be used any longer.

The .idb is a temporary index file (not important).

Which Windows version are you using? If it's Vista or newer, files in or below C:\Program Files cannot be written to, so, that would not be a good place to store a database.
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ok. i fixed it
« Reply #3 on: 2017-09-14 17:29:02 »
i have xp, but i also use 7.

i've been working feverishly.

what's happened is this - so okay i had everything up and running. now that i redirected the path, i tested it by moving the desktop files to another folder and everything is still okay, so now the path to the td4 is correctly in the tp folder - great.

but in the shuffle something got screwed up...all my latest moves in tp (i'm going to guess for the past several weeks) ARE NOT REFLECTED WHEN I OPEN TP! as a result i have been reassigning all my images from the past few weeks. like literally, images i moved to the "color/pattern" gallery were no longer present. even a new gallery i created just last week, "hairstyles", was not one of my "galleries". i don't understand what happened.

is it possible that all this time the only updated td4 has been the one on the desktop and not the one in the tp folder? i noticed that the desktop td4 shows 204 megabytes while the td4 in the tp folder is only 194000KB! i don't know how far back this discrepency exists.

all my backups have been of the tpfolder/td4 and that may have been the wrong one. it's the desktop/td4 that has been updated all this time,,,to the tune of an extra 10mg

Daan van Rooijen

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ok. i fixed it
« Reply #4 on: 2017-09-14 18:39:02 »
> but in the shuffle something got screwed up...all my latest moves in tp (i'm going to guess for the past several weeks) ARE NOT REFLECTED WHEN I OPEN TP!

Sounds like it's still opening the old (non-desktop) database that you stopped updating a while ago.

If it's true that you've been working with the desktop database for the past several weeks, then you may want to point TP to that one instead, so that it will continue to work with that (but you may want to verify, by checking manually/visually, that it has all the galleries that the old database had).

With XP you can store the database anywhere you want, but with Win 7, don't put it in (or below) the Programs folder.

> is it possible that all this time the only updated td4 has been the one on the desktop and not the one in the tp folder?

Yes. But how that happened, I can't possibly answer.
I'm volunteering as a moderator - I do not work for Cerious Software, Inc.