
All forums => ThumbsPlus v7-v9 Questions => Topic started by: Laura Shook on 2013-06-14 16:16:18

Title: ThumbsPlus v9 build 3928 is now available!
Post by: Laura Shook on 2013-06-14 16:16:18
Dear ThumbsPlus users,

This message is an addition to the update notice (that has not yet been sent) specifically for the Cerious Forums.

ThumbsPlus v9 build 3928 is now available for download and installation. This new build is located on the download pages.

The following bugs have been fixed:

Worked around the problem in which Windows tried to load runtime libraries from invalid locations (runtime error R6034 and hanging on startup).

Fixed problem where the Find function was ignoring the first keyword in the list.
Fixed problem with Find where searching for similar images did not show any results.
Fixed problem with pasting images on certain OSes and with Thumbnail - Make from clipboard.

There are other issue that have been resolved. The list can be found in the release notes online.

I know that there will still be issues. I know that there will be problems that have already been reported. For that I am sorry. However, from here on I will be keeping the problem list and hopefully things will go more smoothly now as far as bug reporting and fixes in new versions.

Please only post one problem per thread about ThumbsPlus v9 build 3928 in the ThumbsPlus v9 category. Of course adding to the thread with more information is fine. This will make it much easier for me and my list process as we continue to update ThumbsPlus.

I hope that you will find this build to be much more stable.

Thank you for your continued support, extraordinary patience and for sticking with Cerious Software in the hard times since v8.

Kind regards,
Laura Shook
Cerious Software, Inc.
Title: ThumbsPlus v9 build 3928 is now available!
Post by: mschnell on 2013-06-15 06:16:58
Just installed the new release.

In issue I reported has been fixed. Thanks !


I still don't see any hint (in the help or anywhere else) about how to install a user-made python script so that it can be started (by a hotkey and/or menu) to do some work on selected files.


Title: ThumbsPlus v9 build 3928 FaceBook FB
Post by: xcn on 2013-06-15 06:49:25
Since the start of the v9 version, Thumbplus is not able to retrieve more than 25 pictures from a FB album. Probably it is related to the Graph API that is used. Googling about it, seems a way to get all of them using "paging":
Paging through Graph API results
See 'Paging' on

It would be nice to have it implemented being Facebook support one of the main justifications of this version,
Title: ThumbsPlus v9 build 3928 FaceBook FB
Post by: andyrey on 2013-06-15 16:44:50
Also it can not retrieve more than 25 albums.  Another problem is that I can do nothing with the pictures.  If I try to drag it to a folder on my PC I get the following message

Title: ThumbsPlus v9 build 3928 FaceBook FB
Post by: xcn on 2013-06-16 01:20:18
You can try to make a BATCH process to copy to your local disc.

If there are special characters, that can not be used in a path name, in the name of the person or in the name of the album it wont work. That should be fixed as well.
Title: ThumbsPlus v9 build 3928 FaceBook FB
Post by: Laura Shook on 2013-06-19 15:35:39
Thank you for your support.

The FaceBook file and folder limitations will be fixed in the next build of ThumbsPlus v9. I am sorry for the inconvenience!

Kind regards,
Title: ThumbsPlus v9 build 3928 FaceBook FB
Post by: upeters on 2013-08-05 13:25:02
I reported this issue a year ago. Support for FB was one of your main selling points for ThumbsPlus 9, and this problem was present even in the release candidates. Please don't be surprised when I state that I have serious doubts that this will ever be fixed.