Author Topic: Can I change the size of my thumbnails/Why do Zoomed thumbnails stay small  (Read 7681 times)

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Laura Shook

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The default size of the thumbnails in ThumbsPlus v10 SP2 is 160 x 160.

You have control of how large to create your thumbnails. There are 2 different options to increase (or reduce) the thumbnail size.

1. There is a % option at the top of the menu that will increase the thumbnail area. (NOTE that this only stretches the thumbnails, which doesn't give you as nice of a view than actually increasing the thumbnails size in OPTIONS>PREFERENCES>THUMBNAILS.)

If you wish to stretch the thumbnails and not regenerate them at a larger size, change the % size at the top of the ThumbsPlus interface then go to OPTIONS>PREFERENCES THUMBNAIL VIEW> and turn on the "stretched" option in order for the thumbnails to stretch to fit the new thumbnail area.

2. To create larger, prettier thumbnails go to OPTIONS>PREFERENCES>THUMBNAILS to change the thumbnail size.

After changing the actual thumbnail size in an established database, you will have to rescan for the thumbnails to increase in size.

An image is attached that illustrates changing your thumbnail size.

Note that the larger the thumbnails are in the database, the more space they occupy. Please see the FAQ about your database choices for more information.
« Last Edit: 2019-07-17 14:13:36 by Laura Shook »