Author Topic: Quick/Simple editing durning slide show possible?  (Read 2845 times)

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I have about 1,000 pictures I need to crop to photo paper proportion's (4x6) 'by hand'.  Each picture I need to look at one at a time and decide how to crop. (so I can't use the Batch feature)

Would be great if during the slide show (or some similar method) to be able to do some simple edit commands (crop, rotate, delete etc) and also have a mode to  automatically save the edited picture when going on to the next picture.  

Having something like this would really really speed of the 'by hand' cropping of 100's of pictures.

Is there a way to do this in ThumbsPlus 9? (or some other software?)


Daan van Rooijen

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Quick/Simple editing durning slide show possible?
« Reply #1 on: 2014-07-18 22:04:27 »
> I have about 1,000 pictures I need to crop to photo paper proportion's (4x6) 'by hand'.  Each picture I need to look at one at a time and decide how to crop. (so I can't use the Batch feature)
> Would be great if during the slide show (or some similar method) to be able to do some simple edit commands (crop, rotate, delete etc) and also have a mode to  automatically save the edited picture when going on to the next picture.  

Never use the slide show for that sort of thing - it uses resized (to screen) copies of your images. The regular viewer (Double-click or Enter) is ideal for this sort of thing.

    [*]Use Space and Backspace to move from one image to the next, and back.
    [*]Press DEL to delete any duds (enable this first in Options | Viewing | Editing)
    [*]Press R to resize an image. You'll probably want to apply Filter | Sharpen | Unsharp Mask afterwards (the next time, you can simply press Ctrl-F to repeat this last used Filter).
    [*]Use the Transform | Turn and Transform | Rotate commands to straighten images.
    [*]To crop to 4:6, use the corresponding Transform | Trim to Photo Proportions command or Trim to Proportion | 3:2. Just issue that command, draw the selection box and press enter. If the selection box has the wrong orientation for that image (Portrait/Landscape), a right-click inside it will fix that.
    [*]Press C to work on contrast, brightness, saturation, gamma, etc.
    [*]The Histogra(M) | Stretch option often comes in handy with this sort of work too.
    [*]If an effect that you used seems overdone (e.g. saturation or sharpness), use Edit | Fade to soften it to a more agreeable level.
    [*]You may also want to read [msg=14]Image Sorting, Culling and Rating at Top Speed[/msg]
    [*]As for saving the edited image when you move on to the next..: ThumbsPlus is supposed to do that, but the v9 build 3936 that I'm using has a stupid bug there that causes it to hang once you press Space. Hopefully that was fixed in the current release, but I haven't tried that yet (it works fine in my trusty v7 sp2 fallback version though).[/list]

    I hope some of this helps!
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