Author Topic: PostgreSQL Observations And Issues  (Read 2969 times)

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PostgreSQL Observations And Issues
« on: 2013-12-29 16:55:01 »
It took me several days to get ThumbsPlus 9 running on a new PostgreSQL database.  I ran into several issues.  I'm basically up and running with a few crashing issues.

The first issue is case sensitivity.  The case sensitivity issue is well explained by the following WEB page:
To sum it up PostgreSQL treats quoted table/column names as case sensitive while unquoted table/column names as case insensitive.  I was able to verify the use of quoted and unquoted names by psqlodbc log files.
I found that I had to make the following changes in Thumbs9_postgres.sql:
1) Rename the table "ThumbsPlusDatabase" to "thumbsplusdatabase"
2) Rename the "Thumbnail" column "idFileType" to "idFiletype"

I used the PostgreSQL ODBC direver "psqlodbc".  It was the 32bit UNICODE version.  I eventually installed the latest 9.03 version.  I think 9.02 would be fine.  I had to set one option on the Advanced Options Page 2 "Bytea as LO: Allow the use of bytea columns for Large Objects".  Are there any other options in psqlodbc that should be set?

I'm still having some PostgreSQL crashes.  I have had 7 thumbnail creations in 350,000 images that caused crashes.  The crash is reproducible.  The crash is down underneath the psqlodbc driver in Microsoft code.  I suspect the crash has something to do with bytea objects used for the thumbnails.  I'm thinking about building a debug version of psqlodbc to find out more.
