Author Topic: Icon as New Menu in Toolbar  (Read 3644 times)

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Icon as New Menu in Toolbar
« on: 2018-03-01 20:58:16 »
Is it possible to place a icon instead only Text as New Menu in Toolbar?

In the thumbs10.ini, a icon seems to be set in this way:

The New Menu is set like

Maybe there is a trick to bring the code together?

And is it possible to place some border icons or some other elements in the toolbar, so that the Buttons / Menus have more space between and are better visible than only grouping them?

Daan van Rooijen

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Icon as New Menu in Toolbar
« Reply #1 on: 2018-03-02 05:22:00 »
> Is it possible to place a icon instead only Text as New Menu in Toolbar?
> And is it possible to place some border icons or some other elements in the toolbar,

// edit: See the bottom paragraph first :) //

Go to Options | Customize.

Keep the Customize dialog open on your screen. As long as it is open, you can edit the toolbars and menus.

Right-click on a button in your toolbar. You will see a context menu.

To turn the icon into text, mark 'Text only' and be sure to give the button a name if it doesn't already have a name. The name will show instead of an icon.

To put a vertical line to the left of this button (as a separator), choose 'Begin a Group' (I don't know of other ways to separate icons).

When you're done, close the Customize dialog.

NOTE: Before doing this, I would recommend backing up your Thumbs10.ini, Thumbs10.config and Thumbs10.vconfig files.


Edited to add: Maybe I've misunderstood you -- what exactly did you mean with the 'New Menu' part of your question? When Customize is open, you can add a menu to your toolbar by dragging the New Menu command from the Customize dialog onto your toolbar (go to the Commands tab, scroll down and New Menu is at the bottom of the Categories list. Click on it, and it shows in the Commands list, from which you can drag it). Once it is in the toolbar, you can right-click on it and give the menu a name of your choice, which will appear as text in your toolbar. Is that what you meant?


Edited once more to add: Never mind all of the above, I didn't understand your questions correctly. I guess I wasn't fully awake yet :)  Sadly, I think the answer to both questions is 'no' - it isn't possible to use an icon for a 'new menu' entry in a toolbar, and other than the 'grouping' dividers, there's no way to separate or space out icons in toolbars.
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