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I want to thank you for all of the help you have provided over the years.

I still have v2.1 (c1993) and v3.1 diskettes, so I am a long time user.  There is no other image manager that comes close to ThumbsPlus (XnViewMP is close, but no cigar).  I use v7 to manage video files and v10 to manage image files.  It is sad that no one has taken over the application and continued its development.  I guess it is true that all good things come to an end?

Kindest regards,
Yes, I share those sentiments.. ThumbsPlus has been my go-to software for 90% of my image editing and cataloging needs since 1995, and I've worked with their team (and many, many mutual customers) for 25+ years, when my now defunct little software company represented Cerious in the Netherlands and Belgium. I'll keep on monitoring and managing this forum though, in hopes -however faint- of a miraculous uprising.
This is just an "I'm sad" post.  I started using TP in one of the earliest (ca. early 1997) versions.  Every once in a while, I check in here to see if Cerious has risen from the joy.  27 years.  Sigh.  [sniffle]

We didn't even get a chance to say, "Goodbye."  It was nice knowing you folks. 

Regs, Connie
General Discussion / Re: Is ThumbsPlus still in business?
« Last post by Gary on 2024-01-20 23:51:52 »
Back in 2017, I paid $60.00 for a perpetual license over and above what I paid for version 10.  And crickets.  What angers me is we are stuck with the last update to version 10 that is riddled with bugs and nothing of the promised version 11.  I hope the folks at Cerious are well, but they sure went out on a very sour note.
General Discussion / Re: Is ThumbsPlus still in business?
« Last post by JoeVA63 on 2024-01-10 16:46:33 »
Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't have a Facebook account, and it looks like Facebook would be useless considering the last post was on December 20, 2018.  It's as if they just disappeared off the face of the earth and none of the email accounts I have sent emails to are replying at all.  This is very suspicious and I used to respect them for their prompt replies to emails, etc.  Now, nothing at all. 
General Discussion / Re: Is ThumbsPlus still in business?
« Last post by Daan van Rooijen on 2024-01-10 16:17:34 »
Sorry to hear it! I have no idea either. Maybe you can contact Cerious on Facebook ( Owner and chief developer Phillip Crews is on FB too.
General Discussion / Is ThumbsPlus still in business?
« Last post by JoeVA63 on 2024-01-10 13:20:51 »
Has anyone been able to contact ANYONE at ThumbsPlus about anything?  I have been trying to get assistance on some issues regarding a purchase and another issue and no one at TP is answering any emails.  I also tried calling the phone number shown on their website and that number apparently is disconnected and non-existent.  This is getting very frustrating.  I guess the good news so far is none of the emails I have sent have bounced back saying they are undeliverable because the email address does not exist.  But seriously, it's getting very frustrating no one responds to any emails and their phone number is disconnected.

I don't know if it is appropriate but if someone has a working phone number for them, I'd appreciate it.  The 704-529-XXXX number they have posed on their website is disconnected!
General Discussion / Re: renaming all my source files
« Last post by miltk on 2023-11-04 17:22:20 »
since i wanted to simply rename the files but keep the galleries and assigned galleries intact as well as whatever keywords have been created, i thought i had to rename them in tp5. i thought if i renamed the files in windows things would get messed up.


well that didn't happen. i hilited all the files in the source folder, and while the option was there, i got an error message saying i could not rename

Is that all that it said? I guess that might happen if some of the files are read-only or otherwise write-protected.

i will take a snapshot of the error mistake for forgetting
General Discussion / Re: renaming all my source files
« Last post by Daan van Rooijen on 2023-11-04 17:06:07 »
since i wanted to simply rename the files but keep the galleries and assigned galleries intact as well as whatever keywords have been created, i thought i had to rename them in tp5. i thought if i renamed the files in windows things would get messed up.


well that didn't happen. i hilited all the files in the source folder, and while the option was there, i got an error message saying i could not rename

Is that all that it said? I guess that might happen if some of the files are read-only or otherwise write-protected.
General Discussion / renaming all my source files
« Last post by miltk on 2023-11-04 16:15:00 »
over the years the naming and thus the order on my source files(as i mentioned earlier they are image files for my work) have gotten messy. files i started out naming in one way when i first used tp5,,,to a file system i started naming to make more sense of everything,,,to misnamed files.

so i decided to rename all of them and clean up everything. so i used a computer i never use to create a test tp5 to make sure it would work.

since i wanted to simply rename the files but keep the galleries and assigned galleries intact as well as whatever keywords have been created, i thought i had to rename them in tp5. i thought if i renamed the files in windows things would get messed up.

well that didn't happen. i hilited all the files in the source folder, and while the option was there, i got an error message saying i could not rename

was my thinking correct and if so why did i get the error message?
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