Author Topic: Thumbsplus items in context menus  (Read 4239 times)

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Thumbsplus items in context menus
« on: 2022-04-19 17:59:08 »
I used to have ThumbsPlus items in Windows Explorer context menus (right-click menus). Now they don't appear anymore, despite the option 'show ThumbsPlus items in Explorer right-click menus' is checked.

I've tried to uncheck-apply, check-apply with no success.

Anyone had faced this before?

Will I have to reinstall TP from scratch for this feature come back to work??  :-\

Any suggestion will be welcome! Thank you!


Daan van Rooijen

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Re: Thumbsplus items in context menus
« Reply #1 on: 2022-04-19 19:24:14 »
I don't think I've heard of this problem before, but I'd recommend that you try these two small freeware tools that deal with Explorer context menus and shell extensions:

Hopefully one of those will let you reenable TP's context menu entries!
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